
I'm counting twice, at least, that she's talked to Issa and made it pretty clear she's not happy with going along to get along here. Ashley's got a point that every student at that school needs help, so getting up on one's high horse to make the perfect the enemy of the good and challenge the VP isn't a no-brainer,

His rankings of Led Zeppelin's catalog were equally questionable, as I recall. The plinking, tuneless "Tangerine" winds up in the top 5 or something.

For awhile — I want to say mid-90s through mid-00s, right around the time The Usual Suspects and Memento made such a splash — there was a flirtation with Big Twist action movies, but there's only so many times you can hide the ball before people start getting bored.

I make a distinction between "dumb" action movies, which usually ask you to take their plot and characters all too seriously, and this kind of action movie, where the plot exists basically to tell you who is about to get shot, stabbed, dangled from a high place, and/or brutalized with a fire hose and not to trouble

Gotta watch more cartoons, friend. The Avengers cartoon on Disney XD spent half a dozen episodes in and around Atillan like 18 months ago. You could already have passed through all five stages of grief and be floating in the calm waters of acceptance by now.

The two moments that sum up Farscape for me:

I first encountered Booster as part of the legendary Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguire run on Justice League America/Europe/International where he's half of a pretty hilarious comedic duo with Blue Beetle (Ted Kord Blue Beetle, not the new one).

Gene Wilder is really underrated as an actor. If you watch the scene where he's telling the story about how he dropped out of the gunslinger's life, he does a fantastic job of playing it totally straight until the punch line.

On the other hand, you can make very funny movies that are just a collection of sketches with little or no connecting material, such as The Kentucky Fried Movie and Amazon Women on the Moon.

The experiment is mainly about the 'after c' exception, the 'sounds like A' exception has no bearing on that.

The experiment is invalid anyway because you're only using part of the maxim. The full version is:

I think a lot of superhero shows have had that problem (or maybe it's just because a good 85% of what I watch these days are superhero/comic book shows) and it seems like Agents of SHIELD and (oddly) Gotham have come up with the best way to deal with it — break your 18 part season into three tightly-plotted 6-part

His closing line "I've decided what to do with you," was also pretty [chef-kiss].

I am not at home to any complaints about shallow characterization in this season of Fargo because the scene where Emmitt confesses to Gloria is probably the best performance of Ewan McGregor's career.

If you ever find yourself becoming curious again and would like some relatively "down to earth" (no superheroes, fantasy, or sci-fi) points of entry, I would recommend:

I was massively disappointed in the book after being a big fan of Gaiman's Sandman series (and an even bigger fan of Good Omens, co-authored with the late, great Terry Pratchett). I found the themes to be explored in a pretty juvenile way and it made me wonder if the reason Gaiman's prose worked so much better in the

I agree that he's doing what he can to sell the character, but in my head MacNicol is still the sweet but awkward partner from Ally McBeal (and the voice of half a dozen cartoon characters, some villanous but none vulgar) and for me that makes him an awkward fit on this show. I'm sure he's having fun, but I agree

I've carried a torch for Amy Brookheimer from the beginning, and even I shuddered at that face (to be fair, who can flirt properly under that kind of pressure?) But I did like the return of the Amy/Dan camaraderie in extremis, which was always one of my favorite parts of earlier seasons and something I've missed a

Well, Jonah managed to Ted Cruz his way out of favor not just with his party and the establishment figures therein (Minority Leader Roger Furlong, most notably) but even his fellow political wackadoos — the Jeffersons Libertonians (although Jonah is right that it sounds like the name of a horrible a capella group),

This of course was the fault of DMs leaning too heavily on one style of
adventure setup, not allowing opportunities for different skills to get