This puzzled reader has some thoughts.
This puzzled reader has some thoughts.
Since both Ernest Borgnine and homoeroticism have been mentioned, that's my cue to bring up Marty.
I will say that it has an infectious sort of energy (perhaps due to Swayze's performance) to it. The first time I ever saw it was after midnight on cable while staying at a friend's house in the depths of a Chicago winter, and after it finished I was seized with a powerful and completely uncharacteristic urge to go…
Counterpoint: The Brink was consistently hilarious — it's #9 on my 10 best comedies of 2015 list — and Vikram Murthi's main objection to it is that from where he sat, it's about three white guys that he relentlessly refused to like (despite being played with considerable charm by Jack Black, Tim Robbins, and Pablo…
I read the drug as nanotech dossiers on each prisoner (why do it that way? who knows?), but a thread below referring to the books says I'm wrong. Ah well.
[Lee Siegel creates sockpuppet account to argue the point at length.]
It's like Leverage crossed with Warehouse 13, and provides an ego boost to Noah Wyle in that he gets to feel like he's too big a star to show up more than a couple times a season. "Out of the way Mr. Larroquette, it's me, the star of Falling Skies."
I was half-expecting Supergirl to grab her and try a Superman II-style "amnesia kiss" and have it fail spectacularly, but on further thought I suppose that hits too many "sexual assault isn't funny" beats and not enough "double down on awkward for comedy purposes" beats.
I think the theme of Mike's ending was that, even as he introduced himself to the Gerhardts as "the future," ultimately he was just as much a man of the past as they were, a flamboyant and colorful personality whose ethics and aesthetics didn't have a place in the grey world of 1s and 0s that he was being offered. …
I certainly don't want to tell anybody how to feel about this project, but as someone who is enthusiastic about it I'd like to offer a rebuttal or three to the complaints and pessimism some people have expressed. Just in case my perspective helps somebody out there feel more at peace with the idea.
Or when they change the packaging on my favorite brand of laundry detergent. My old eyes are wearily scanning those bewildering grocery store shelves for a particular arrangement of size and color, dagnabbit!
And I will watch them all, every one. They're just a fun cast of characters. Snot-nosed punk Jim McMahon; disapproving dad Mike Ditka; jolly giant William Perry; Walter Payton, the greatest running back of all time; "Samurai" Mike Singletary. And they made a rap video!
Angels Revenge, Kitten With a Whip, and Soultaker for me. (And The Dead Talk Back has a special place in my heart as the first one I ever saw.)
Stealth MVP has to be Allan McLeod as Paul, who would be a one-joke character on a lesser show, but demonstrated a full three dimensions during this season and capped it by producing a dynamite singing voice out of nowhere. And his huge bathroom fight with Vernon (another "minor" character who had a great season 2)…
Lance is my pick too. This is still the CW, where the over-40s should never breathe easily (Malcolm Merlyn had to fake his death until he could become immortal to survive). And Lance is the most vulnerable since he's working as the inside man.
Bark At the Moon > The Ultimate Sin.
Sure Evil Spartacus/Weather Wizard is the most basic villain of the Rogue's Gallery, but his relentless, pointless hostility is just so much fun. I giggle every time he wants to start a fight for no reason. And when the Trickster of all people has to be the voice of reason, that's just comedy gold.
Gray Area was my favorite costumed hero (as with Watchmen, I think it's important to distinguish between the ones that can do the impossible and the ones that just lead fit and active crime-fighting lifestyles) name. I think it reflects some ambivalence about his role in the justice system — maybe he's a lawyer by…
This surprised me too. America, a country with the bad luck to have been created during the Enlightenment, never got to grow up with ancient legends of quasi-supernatural heroes who did the work of symbolizing qualities we consider heroic. (Although Sleepy Hollow seems to be doing a hell of a ret-con, re-imagining…