No-one has any great stories from the time they partied medium. You say "crash and burn", I say "generate anecdotes that will outlast the generations."
No-one has any great stories from the time they partied medium. You say "crash and burn", I say "generate anecdotes that will outlast the generations."
That was a nice organic development on Shameless, too. When cute toddler Liam started to talk, the rest of the cast had to work around it in sometimes hilarious ways.
I don't know where you went to school, but that's not accurate for the American educational system I grew up with. Most of the readers of the A.V. Club, I hazard, come from families where bringing home a C in any class except possibly gym was unacceptable, but there is a whole population of Charlie Browns out there…
I've always felt that Ruxin is the yellow sun for The League: any episode where he's absent or only makes a token appearance deprives the show of its comedy superpowers. With Nick Kroll a lot more famous (and busy) than he was when the show started, it's only natural that he doesn't have as much time to devote to the…
As for Carter and Kendra, they are just the latest in a long line of heroes on both Arrow and The Flash to skip town the very moment their arcs might become narratively inconvenient. (I mean, I’d name previous examples, but it’s literally the cast list for Legends Of Tomorrow, give or take Barry’s dad…)
Women in these sorts of stories also have a habit of lying to/keeping secrets from the protagonist, everything from "your father is still alive" to "you have super-powers" to "the bad guy is your cousin." How many third acts of hero/ine stories involve our hero/ine being stymied by a lack of leads because the pesky…
Even better: it's a cartoon you can watch for free!
Even better: it's a cartoon you can watch for free!
He's part of an excellent Superman story in the second season of Justice League ("Hereafter") written by the late, great Dwayne McDuffie. Worth checking out.
I liked the actor chosen to play Vandal Savage, a Dane with the delightful name of Casper Crump. He's got the right brooding, heavy-browed countenance, even if his jawline is a little less square than most depictions of our favorite immortal Neanderthal. And he definitely has his acting pitched just right for an…
They gave KARNAK his own book. This planet is going to love the Inhumans or die screaming.
I've been enjoying the lady-written, lady-drawn DC Bombshells title that was featured in this space a few months back. Worth a look.
Ditto Modern Family. I don't know about you, but I have never met a family where everybody for three generations sounds like they spend all day in a writer's room full of Frazier addicts.
In Warner Brothers pictures, everybody is also talking very fast, the
reason being that the famously frugal Warners wanted to use as little
film as possible. This eventually became a house style that even carried down to animation, Bugs Bunny being the most famous example of the type.
I realize that when a viewer can't follow a plot, the writer does have to shoulder most of the blame, but several of Kevin's questions are answered either in this story or in previous episodes:
I'll just drop this turd in the punchbowl: the weakest element of the whole series is the Jedi and all their mystic bullshit. The lightsabers are cool and all, but even as a huge fantasy fan I am far more enamored of the science fiction aspects of Star Wars and its vast universe of aliens — many of them barely…
No, she won't ever not suffer from cinical depression. Yes, her current depressive episode will eventually end. It might even end more quickly, stay away for a longer time, and/or be less severe if someone takes her to a doctor and gets her a better prescription than Adderall and cocaine.
The Edgar and Dorothy storyline was small, but I for one really needed it after the cavalcade of downers in the Jimmy/Gretchen world.
I was impressed by Kelly Jenrette's terrible performance, you could tell she was fighting some solid music chops in her efforts to stay off-beat and out of tune.
Still trying to get a handle on William DeVane's character. So far he doesn't seem to have much to do, and just stirs the pot between Dean and Stewart just for the heck of it.