
As much fun as high-concept episodes like this one are, I feel like we're overdue for another medical crisis featuring a child, like the kid with the knife in his chest from "Frankfurters, Allman Brothers, Death, Frankfurters". The kids are the show's secret weapon, and I have rarely laughed as hard as when the

I warmed to him more the more screentime he got. Just tossing aside references to how bland he is and moving on, which is most of what happens in the early episodes, didn't really give him a whole lot to work with. I feel like his relationship with Captain Stew could've used more development, but a big ensemble is

Glad I wasn't the only one gobsmacked by Ra's and Felicity's heart-to-heart. My immediate reaction/Facebook comment: "Only on The CW does Ra's al-Ghul dish out relationship advice."

This reminds me of the other memorable line from the show. The two dullest-witted characters, youngest sister Jenna and her on-again/off-again boyfriend Whitey, have gotten into some sort of jam which causes them to have to walk home from Jenna's waitress job in the late evening. As they stroll together down a kind

One of the most memorable lines from the show plays off of this, in fact. Cameron is trying to reassure his sister Sharon (currently being ignored by her husband) that she's attractive, and Sharon cuts him off with "I'm pretty in Cincinnati! I'm not pretty in a general sense!"

Speaking of Nick's email, though, they could've done a better job on that screen mockup. I counted two different women's names offering "Big Savings" or something, and two other people who had sent emails with the same subject line. It's nice that they thought to have something in his inbox besides the email from

Alas, no. He managed to fuck that up big-time.

Kathleen Rose Perkins is hilarious on that show. Well worth watching even without the two leads and Matt LeBlanc, who are always at least moderately enjoyable.

I feel like if I understood the biology of the flatworm better, this Wesen manifestation might make more sense to me.

The thing that I really can't think about because it makes me crazy, but can't stop thinking about because that's who I am — this rich, complicated panoply of supernaturalia has all been playing out for hundreds of years, under the nose of an unsuspecting mundane world, but with such frequency that there have been

All of the above is moved and seconded.

Cat Black was also pretty scarce in some episodes last season that Lake Bell directed, which may be what @avclub-236e42b5af241c85d97910f5c1aa6107:disqus was thinking of.

Well, I think they may be starting to realize that their greatest asset is Larry himself, so they can write more host-centered bits to build his profile rather than relying on the tricky and inconsistent mix of content you get with panel discussions. For a show that's just starting out, it has to feel good to be able

I feel like late night talk shows in general weren't as political in that era, beyond the Clinton penis jokes and so forth. 9/11 really prompted the trend of having politicians and journalists on as guests on a regular basis, and the Kilborn-era Daily Show was primarily focused on satirizing TV news coverage, rather

Ditto Nancy Walls. I am upset that I have to watch Steve Carell wait to see if he is going to be awarded something to catch a glimpse of her these days. :(

Suddenly and for the first time, I am interested.

I feel like it's been pulling in ideas from other shows (especially Colbert) more after that first weeklong break. The whole Dare-y Wilmore Bracket whatsamazoo feels like a Colbert bit from top to bottom, and even the panel discussions have gotten looser and flow better than the first couple weeks.

Caught them during the Metal Masters tour in 2008: Testament, Motörhead, Heaven & Hell and Judas Priest. It'll be a long while before I find another bill that good.

As others have said, it's only lazy if lazily done. Making a successful episode out of shop-worn parts requires its own set of skills — among them, getting special performances out of guest stars.

Well, I'm prepared to give bonus points for sci-fi ideas that are intriguing even if underdeveloped, as I did for Oblivion and Edge of Tomorrow and the other two Blomkamp films, apparently unlike our good friend C- C- Dowd. If Chappie really is annoying to be around, yeah, that'll probably sink the overall