
A Mo[rloc]k.

The off-screen death of a loved one does often motivate female characters in dramas, but usually in a passive way — it causes them to keep secrets that need to be exposed for the plot to move forward, or otherwise rob another character of agency because the woman in question is afraid that the Awful Thing That

He also mentioned having a double set of memories bouncing around inside his head. That sounds pretty distracting.

I felt like it was a commentary on how government secrets are so poorly secured, it amounts to a mere warning not to do it. Which overstates the case a bit.

Yeah, but 15 years later McGarry was the President's Chief of Staff, and Mr. Blonde was dead in a heist gone wrong. It pays to know when to break the rules.

Maybe he's a minimum-security women's equivalent of Johnny Cash?

Not having read it, I think it's a pretty weird complaint, too, because there are quite a few men on OITNB and they are examined pretty closely. (The only recurring male character we still don't know that much about is the maintenance guy, right?) I think in proportion to their presence on the show the men are

Having planted the seed, I think you can step back and allow the Gimmick Account Overmind to take it from here. That is, after all, why we created it.

I thought he was fine, too, and was actually rooting for his affair. Piper is difficult to love.

But they also control the ICBMs, so, you know. Respect.

Eating food in large quantities, without complaint or questions as to its origin.

It feels like a wannabe-West Coast gesture. And prohibiting food is against core Midwestern values.

They'll still get upset that you aren't using the heavily-peppered wallpaper paste they call "gravy" in that part of the country.

Abortion clinic doctor in Dogma, the only female Mystery Man…she's been around. It was the right choice.

And the Paunch Burger commercial was a perfect distillation of my deepest, most heartfelt convictions about cuisine, finally given voice.

Fine, you win. Steal anything you want. Just don't sell it.

Also, I kinda have in the back of my head that he grows up to be what Wikipedia calls a "food personality", and I think that's been biasing me toward the conclusion that the moments where he's acting like a self-centered jerk are persistent character traits rather than normal adolescence.

For this non-Asian guy, the worst was having two Vietnamese-American friends carry on a conversation where two languages appeared in the same sentence. If I didn't understand any of it I could tune it out, and if they were speaking English I could follow it, but the half-and-half stuff was both immensely distracting