I do in fact think that the same characters being in three sketches constitute three examples of a "college football players with crazy names" sketch. I will not apologize for it.
I do in fact think that the same characters being in three sketches constitute three examples of a "college football players with crazy names" sketch. I will not apologize for it.
This was the third (unnecessary) one: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Babies do love Vegemite: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Yeah, I'm OK with this too. I'm starting to see the strain in Key & Peele and I think they may have already done one "college football players with crazy names" sketch too many. Three seasons gets you in and out before you have a chance to get stale.
This week's Sight Gag I Could Not Stop Laughing At: a semi-recovered Rosa SMASHING her way out of the locked perp interview room as both Gina and Terry scream in terror. (And then Gina trying to rally!) While LaToya was re-watching awkward dinners, I was re-watching that.
The description of the Jamaican meat pie made me wistful and sad. That is all.
Or, some people are just guileless train-wrecks with zero self-awareness that anyone can read like a book within five minutes of meeting them, and Maggie has the bad luck to be written as one such. Say what you want about the characterization in this show, but it's done a decent job of dragging Jim and Maggie down to…
Same here. It's nice to see a show that can make the whole three-camera thing work, and Gabriel Iglesias is surprisingly adept as a supporting player — I expected him to suck all the oxygen out of the room in his scenes, but he fits into the ensemble like a glove.
Obligatory shout-out to James Remar, a.k.a. the guy in my profile pic, who finally gets to play a good guy in JLU, instead of being stuck with just Shadow Thief and a Manhunter.
Amazon has an alternative cassette-to-MP3 tapedeck that's $20 cheaper (with Prime) and doesn't force you to make your MP3s with hateful iTunes: http://www.amazon.com/Pyle-…
The sight gags on this show take me to pieces every time. This week it was Amy and Terry plunging their heads into ice-cold water and screaming. So dumb, so hilarious.
I refuse to do things simply because they are popular, hate talk radio (radios are for music), hate podcasts, hate our cultural fascination with true crime and serial killers, and am just a garden-variety no-fun poopy-face.
I've enjoyed these columns and would be happy to read more of them next year, if that's in the cards.
But if black and yellow unite with green and mauve, what shall become of plaid? And chartreuse!
I had a monster crush on Juliette Lewis' character back then (at age 13). So gorgeous, so dim-witted. Ironically, as I have gotten older, I now favor intelligent brunettes but have no use for Juliette Lewis, or her terrible band.
Previously to that remark about monologuing, a missed opportunity for the law prof to correct Maggie's total diss on his job by pointing out that ethics aren't for the times when you have to choose between right and wrong. They're for the far more frequent times when you have to choose between two rights, or two…
Every time I see a band described as "post-" anything, I'm reminded of the timeless 2005 post Your Genre Sucks over at Something Awful, where Dr. David Thorpe decodes it as follows: "basically, adding 'post' to a style of music just means 'with all the fun taken out of it.'"
Recently the National Geographic channel had a few of the MST3K alums riffing over some of their cheesier fare, and it was kind of startling to hear references to 21st century pop culture in those voices. (I haven't listened to any RiffTrax yet.)
Because secret angryface.