
I read zero flirtation in her banter with Ichabod. He's her partner and she represents the modern sensibility of ego-deflating wisecracks in opposition to his Colonial-era earnestness and formality, but her manner and her tone of voice, the way she looks at him…I just don't see any romantic interest there, sorry. If

That does make more sense than casting TV's Ed as an evil mastermind. Ed, poor dear Ed, you're not evil. You own a bowling alley. Snap out of it!

Sleepy Hollow. The two leads have zero sexual chemistry, and in fact Abbie Mills (Nicole Beharie) might be the most asexual female lead on television. In the first season there was a barely-referenced Hispanic ex-boyfriend and John Cho's recurring undead character sometimes pines for her, but she has never given the

My rule going forward for the rest of 2014 is: when we're down by 21, turn the game off. And dream of better days gone by.

I am oddly conflicted about this news, as the show is too mediocre to fully enjoy and I flirt with just cutting it loose at least 2-3 times a season. Seeing a new episode set to record on the DVR last night made me go "Oh? Ugh." But now that I know that the end is not only in sight but relatively close, my inner

I think I caught a sneaky whiff of mission statement in the scene from "Two Bars" where cellphone reception is restored and you see Eliza and Henry turn away from their Moment and become glazed over with self-absorbtion in their separate digital worlds. This after being told that all they need at Rancho de Saperstein

As far as acting like broad cartoons, I question how single cams got that reputation…


I did too, but I can't say I'm sorry to see the back of the nickname "New Scoobies" *turns his head, crosses his eyes, spits* for the Grimm cast.

Another semi-interesting fact, successfully found! Well done.

The Bears tried the exact same thing against the Packers (using Devin Hester as a decoy for Johnny Knox) back in 2011, but wouldn't you know it, it got nullified by a holding penalty. Holding: the reason why the most awesome plays in football don't count.

The only one I can think of was that space Marine in "Into the Dalek" who straight-up demanded to be remembered because of her sacrifice, which sort of underlines the point. If you have to come out and ask

Thinly sketched supporting characters have been a bit of a recurring issue this season.

It was the ears what done it for me, at the end…

Another great guest performance: David Bamber as Captain Quell, who it took me all the way to the end of the episode to recognize as Cicero from HBO's Rome.

For my money, the "delay of game" gesture is the most evocative penalty call. You cross your arms over your chest like a disapproving maiden aunt, as if to say "we're WAITING on you, jerks!" And yet it is also the most ironic, because calling the penalty itself delays the action more than just waiting another second

The real question: "Empty Spaces" from the album, or "Empty Spaces/What Shall We Do Now?" from the film soundtrack?

I thought it meant "liquid water attaining a temperature of 212°F" because nobody on this damned planet can spell anymore.

I'm a little surprised Pilot didn't have anything to say about the last sequence, where objectifying female passers-by is celebrated as a multi-generational black male bonding ritual.