
the best magic-on-magic fight ever.
Good vs. evil witch lady in Willow.

Well, balls.
Stupid x and c, all close together like that.

The party will be crackin' and poppin', but not snappin'.
I can feel my class rage, latent for so long, bubbling to the surface. It's too bad I'm at work. Class rage has a very singular and unpleasant odor.

Why all the hating on Peaches?
If you cut her, she bleeds like a sieve.

Allergic to dander
Your laziness and unwillingness to hate on Dane Cook is the reason people like him are allowed to rise to fame. All your fault!

I despise this Meyers woman.
I watched that Something's Gotta Give movie because I have liked Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson movies in the past, but it was irredeemably shitty. That part when Keaton is screaming/crying for about 10 minutes straight because Nicholson left her was hideous.

I'm just annoyed that they made her into some tweener priss.
Nancy Drew always seemed very mature and together and always hip as all get out. And she totally would have speeded! She drove a late-60s Mustang on windy cliff-top roads at night! The girl wouldn't hesitate.

It makes you sick to think that someone imagines Journey on a loop in white people's heads? I think you might need to find a better outlet for your righteous indignation. Like people who mix up your and you're, or even worse, their, there and they're. The horror.

I'm not surprised that someone with the name dudemanyo would like Tony Parker.
Make of that what you will.

fantastic idea, Milkman
I would be all over a Double Dare obstacle course. Would it come complete with a severely OCD host who visibly shudders just looking at all the mess?

Is this some strange new form of protest?
What's Bush's favorite breed? I'm not too fond of this war….

littering = bad
litterers = assholes

It's not okay to be a vegetarian, but it's okay to say "Frakking" when you are not acting in an episode of Battlestar Galactica?

Certainly, juggs.
My hoo-hah grants wishes and occasionally bites when provoked. Unfortunately, however, it cannot be photographed. Much like a vampire or other mystical creature unexplained by your so-called "science."

I have a supernatural hoo-hah.
Does that mean I would like this movie?

Shut up, Krossfader.
Nobody likes your style.

Wait, what is this emo?
Do you mean "emotional music?" Is that what you're referring to?

The hate for regular MTV is implied….
just like the subject "you" is implied in the sentence, "Hate!" You see?

People who think they hate musicals also like Cabaret.
Check it out! It has Nazis and bisexuals all in one madcap extravaganza!

It's totally up to XM
if they don't want their company to be represented on the airwaves by rape jokes about women in politics. They are not being punished by the government, so free speech has nothing to do with it.