
kelly preston was awesome in space camp.
She had a photographic memory!

Where is Mizundastood when you need her?
She could school everyone here on writing a "How dare you hate on X" post.

What I meant to say is that Amelie's ire is best aimed at whatever the fuck she wants. People bitch if it's something obvious and they bitch if it's something more obscure. Hate on, Hater! Your light can not be dimmed!


No, Pig in Zen.
Abortions for some, miniature American flags for the rest!

M!zzunaztood knows exactly what she's doing
And I love her for it.

Did it confuse anyone else
to see "tight, sweet little" describing something other than "ass?"

is a stinky cologne.

reading these comments is like teaching high school again.
I know a surefire way to make everybody giggle: "Please turn to page 69." Or maybe, "Look at Lesson 4, Problem 20."

Why are you all still hung up on the Civil War?
I, for one, am already totally over Korea and am even starting to find the Vietnamese acceptable. Catch up, you jackasses!

I could only handle one minute. It reminded me of forcing myself to read parts of American Psycho just because I had never skipped any part of a book before (it was the part with the rat and the brie…).

Is Shrek 3 revered among Floridian Native American tribes?

You should switch to Esquire instead. They're pretty funny much of the time (although they have been veering towards scantily-clad-women-only on the covers these days). Or, if you want to read a lady magazine that doesn't suck, try Bust. I likes the Bust.

This guy is my friend's cousin!
Yay for Josh's cousin!

i think inevitable was joking
Sarcasm detectors should always be set to "On," people.

I kind of enjoy being hit on by guys like this…
It gives me funny stories to tell to my friends later. As a lady with a live-in fella, the stories that any sane person would care to hear are few and far between. I had a guy at a bar try to convince me once that, if he wished for it long and hard enough, he and I would

Talladega Nights
I didn't laugh once. There were an insane number of subplots, characters would come in and out of the story randomly, and the editor must have spent the entire movie drunk and/or asleep. There were a lot of talented comedic actors in there, but it was still hideously awful.

Does that say "dairy letters?"
It should be daily letters. I don't know what a dairy letter is.

There would only be irony in this if posters were complaining about an anti-Hater blog somewhere else. Amelie does not post about Andy Dick in his own blog or fan forum; she uses her own forum for this. Amelie doesn't write Eva Longoria dairy letters telling her she sucks; she writes an occasional post

bipolar dick
All the stories I've heard about Andy Dick remind me of Jason, a guy I knew in college who would always get fucked up on something and make the lives of everyone around him just that much worse. It turns out he is bipolar and is far nicer sober. Also more boring, but you can't have everything.