
Do you think there can really be true "underground" movements anymore, or is the internet making everything too readily available to everyone?

Fatness vs. averageness vs. thinness
Should we as a society be okay with all body shapes and sizes, or should we shun the very fat and the very thin because they are unhealthy and fucking up our insurance?

Jolly Jeepers
That's awful.

I knew him as Michael Schwartz.
Which he changed because he was ashamed of being Jewish. I've heard he also can't maintain an erection and may have a glass eye.

Carrying concealed weapons
I like how conservative pundits keep talking about how this would have been prevented if students were allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus. As though the presence of guns would only ever prevent violent sprees like this and never ever result in other deadly situations. Because,

Isn't this exactly the same as that Matthew Perry movie?
I think it involves the word "Tango" in the title and Neve (sp?) Campbell plays his lady love for whom he must pine in silence. I think she kept taking off her clothes in front of him too. That's all we ever do when straight men aren't around. And then we have a

Oh, I'm not confused.
If I went around asking people exactly what the First Amendment said and they couldn't tell me, I would consider that ignorant. However, if a person is running around calling something a First Amendment issue without understanding what the First Amendment protects, I'm perfectly okay with

I think we need to rethink the public education system…
Too many people seem to misunderstand the First Amendment, taking it to mean that they should be able to say whatever the hell they want whenever they want and if anyone gets upset about it they're trying to take away their rights. Sorry for the pronoun chaos in

How can it be Porn for Women
if it doesn't include Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall? A man with the world's most glorious torso who will weep over his brother's death, kill a bear, do the shit out of you and then cuddle you in a Montana hot spring. None of this vacuuming in an apron nonsense. Who wears an apron to

That's Chloe from Days of Our Lives!
How far she has fallen.

He probably fucks up your and you're, too.
This is the first I've heard of him and I hate him already. I think this date will involve a hot tub scene complete with strained innuendo and end with a merry exchange of crabs.

It's the best Nazi bar west of the Mississippi.
Nobody should be singing out loud unless it's a karaoke night. Never ever. It's like jumping up and down and yelling "Look at me!"

I will forever hate Bon Jovi
because he is the cause of four idiot boys in puka shell necklaces and tight polo shirts putting "Living on a Prayer" on the jukebox and singing along loudly with their arms around each other until the bar owner turned it off. Then nobody could play anything on the jukebox for the rest of

I second that, Jason.
Any woman who can tame Laurence Fishburne is okay in my book.

Dr. Bronner's = best soap ever.
Apparently, it's one of the few soaps that actually uses organic ingredients because there are no labeling rules in place for non-food items. Dr. Bronner had to fight with the USDA to make rules regarding which soaps, shampoos, etc. can be labeled organic. I love him (even though he is

You're confusing weather and climate, Nancy.
And I wouldn't take any ideas about the environment or climate change from celebrities, but scientists do seem to generally agree that global warming is actually happening as a result of human activity and I think they would know better than the rest of us. So neener neener.

I don't get the brouhaha.
How exactly is this an attack on Christianity? Or in any way defiling the religion? It's a symbol of Easter (or three days before, anyway) combined with chocolate, which is another symbol of Easter these days with the pagan eggs and whatnot. It's also referencing the eating of the host and

I thought you all were exaggerating….
I'm sorry to see that I was wrong. The jumping and arm flailing might have been the worst of all.

Rock, rock on.

Oh sweet Jesus……
I couldn't do any more than about 50 seconds. But I think I know why my work filter blocked it. I work for the State of California.