
Sounds naughty
My work filter called that "Illegal or questionable material" and wouldn't let me look at it. Now I'm very curious.

Buddhists never say "cunt"
It's a rule. They also never say "die" or "never again."

What the fuck is a noob?

Oh, Jimmy…
The quote is "'Cause silicone parts are made for toys." One thing I cannot abide is misquoting Sir Mix-a-Lot.

We are Turkey
Apparently in some poll of people from various industrialized and industrialized-ish nations, Turkey was the only country with more people who didn't believe in evolution than the US. This depresses me greatly.

Ah, the Pussycat Dolls
It's a fine time for women in the arts. Nay, for representations of women in all media, period.

Fucking return key.
There's a David Sedaris story about how in the Netherlands they celebrate on December 6 and believe that he was the former Bishop of Turkey. He also travels with 6 to 8 black men.

Santa Claus

Britney is the Frankenstein's monster of our time.

Dressing like a Mormon
That means that you're wearing head-to-toe denim, and probably some pleats. If you're a lady Mormon, you are also wearing a scrunchy.

Gnome de Guerre
Well, damn. The things they don't teach you in US History. But then, I didn't know that there were Japanese-American internment camps until I went to college either.

to Joe1
Women get accused of fucking up the progress created by feminism all the time. I think the similarity to the case of black comedians "setting back the clock" is that women and African-Americans went through a long battle to win equal treatment in this country (not that we're done) and had to get amendments

I'm not sure where this would fit in, but
somebody had to mention the event in Cornwall in which men chase a huge wheel of cheese down an incredibly steep hill. They start out running after it but usually end up rolling after it. Sometimes they die. Why don't we have anything comparable here?

I'll chime in……
I'm totally okay with you saying that anti-abortion activists use bombs. Because I know what a joke is.

Joe Dirt
All I know about this movie is that it caused my boyfriend to constantly say, "I got the poo on me" in a funny voice. Thanks, David Spade.

What the hell, Sienna Miller?
Didn't they say the same thing about her sex scenes with Daniel Craig in Layer Cake? She must have an extremely unimaginative publicist.