Anon Ng

Cecil Cooper, he's thinking

Oh, man, this. I'd never heard this before either, and it's terrible. You do have to kind of not judge her story about hearing it at work. That might exonerate her.

Jawbreaker was kind of a college kid's punk band, honestly.  Sort of like Titus Andronicus are a P-fork punk band.

Kanye's interview is a new celebrity low, actually, and I really dug Kanye way back when.  

The last minute and-a-half of that Ren and Stimpy clip with the button just made my night.  I'd forgotten that part of the show.  "The beautiful, shiny button.  The jolly, candy-like button!"

I nearly fainted when I saw Hanoi get a mention here.  Bangkok Shocks, Saigon Shakes, Hanoi Rocks is still one of my favorite records of all-time, if not my favorite.

This is a hilarious caricature of what the left thinks of the right.  Well done, Patton Oswalt.  True comedy.

The end of Good Enough looks like The Sweater Song video concept from Weezer.  Interesting.

Love that song.  Probably my favorite also.  

Yeah, like being a Dr. and shit.  Idiotic.

I remember referencing that song for a young indie kid and being stunned when he/she didn't know who wrote it, who covered it, what it was, etc.

This was my favorite song of theirs back in '92.  

"There is no lock on this town."  I love that lyric.  

H.R. Giger (Dead Kennedys) + this guitar solo = purchase at Strawberries record store.

Or is eyes without a face one of those animal tattoos that females get on their back of various wildcat eyes?  Let's just say maybe.

Anyone else have Steve Stevens's Atomic Playboys awesomeness from the 80's?

I do really like that album.  I remember spending the summer of '93 listening to it a lot — believe it or not, think sunset beaches in San Diego (yes, really) —and re-visited it years later.  I take your opinion about the mismatch because my first impressions of hearing Smallpox Champion is how utterly rough it sounds

Bootleg demos, some of which I have indeed found around the internet.  They sound very punk-ish, for lack of a better word.

visceral anger

Nice podcast.  Can't wait to hear Albini's version of his In On The Kill Taker sessions.  Didn't know that backstory.