
I think it is unreasonable, in that it contradicts not only tons of stated sexual preference, but also important plot elements like Raj pining away for Bernadette. 
It's a long running gag that Raj and Howard (then Raj and Stuart) act like a couple sometimes. It's gotten so old at this point that looking at recent

The new Statovarius album came out too. So yeah, power metal, huh? Anyone else psyched but me? (slinks away amidst deafening silence)

That's one thing I felt the comics never did well. Apart from the Hulkbuster and stealth suits, it never seemed like he needed anything but the latest model. And the one with the rollerskates bult-in, of course.

I had to google "Iron Legion". Boy, I dislike that idea. Looks like a one-issue sort of thing.

Crap - that's the same thing! If the armor is the star, and not the wearer I feel like it cheapens it.

I hope we don't see a bunch of drone armor stuff like in IM2. It sort of undermines the main character if the empty suits of armor are even half as good.

I hear what you're saying about supporting the title with single isses, but I'm pretty sure that robust TPB sales can keep a title afloat too. I have friends that exclusively wait for the collections; I think it's becoming very common.

I literally know her from nothing but One Day at A Time, and I still feel weird/bad. Like a gradeschool teacher you hadn't thought about in a long time passing away.

Sadly (for shop owners), that overhaul may have already started with the move to digital.

The pull-lists are what I was alluding to. I feel bad handing stuff back that I don't want, even when it's a fill-in issue or part of some dumb cross-over crap. The store can't eat the expense of not selling out, which is crazy. I suppose having the option is better than not.

My local shop consistently under-orders Hawkeye, so now I'm just waiting for a TPB. The practice is understandable, but I'm frustrated with how often you have to virtually subscribe with your shop to guarantee an issue.

What can I say? I like standing.

So, they already did most/all the animation (it's due out in August) and they're going back and replacing the lead? How does that work? Wouldn't Cook have to do basically the same line reading as Cryer to have things match up? I know it's CG, but there must be limited opportunity for changing things this late in the

The NYC dates aren't great. There are a bunch, but if I remember right, the Beacon Theater has seats. Folks will sit down, and you'll feel wierd standing up and blocking a seated persons view. It's lame.

Fair enough. But new doesn't have to mean new characters. If comic books felt like they couldn't work with the same villains repeatedly we'd end up with characters constructed like Mad Libs, or an endless string of generic mad scientists and mobsters, like some of the worst golden age stuff.

Sure, but then in the next picture Nolan went with the Joker, and no one thinks that was a bad decision.

I don't see how this is avoidable. It's not like Harry and Norm are minor characters in the Spider-Man universe. It's like bemoaning the presence of Aunt May.

How the heck can CBS afford to give up so much advertising time to promote "Golden Boy"? If I was ever interested in that show, after seeing spots for it almost every commercial break during Elementary, I sure don't want to now.

Wow.. I like it!  It would be sterilized with autotune these days :(