the Bandy tract

Ebert and his review of Kick Ass.

To be fair, she was half asleep because Bill keeps such odd hours.

Well now I feel bad for making fun of him. Can't we have a thread about a famous person's clear cut, black and white ridiculousness?

a) You're replying in the wrong thread.

He did? Pfft. Nirvana had it right: if Weird Al parodies you, it's a compliment. It means you've made it.

Wow, I was right? *fist pump*

I do recall being told to move to Canada when I pointed out that we were going to war for literally nothing.

The word "august" means all kinds of cool, so, with no knowledge of the etymology whatsoever, I will choose to believe it came from him. So yes!

Aren't there usually contracts (for a movie's director and stars, anyway) that govern their behavior before a movie is released? Like you can't go out and say the movie sucks, or do things that you reasonably know will harm the movie's profits? They be kicking themselves that they didn't have him sign on that line.

@eric827:disqus and  @avclub-6ee934260c80f2e2f9098dcd3e44c032:disqus : Rehab facilities typically have a nurse, but that's very different from being a hospital. You're supposed to do your detoxing in a hospital (and the possibility of death is exactly why). Rehab is for afterwards, to help you not go back to whatever

She's changing her name, from Kitty to Karen, then back to Kitty because really it sounds more countryish and now she can't remember why she thought it was a good idea in the first place.

I didn't see Sarah Jessica Parker in the cast list.

Has anyone seen my pet crickets? They all just ran out like they had something important to do.

Anyone remember when he was wicked funny as Kelso in That 70's Show? Kelso and Jackie are one of my favorite sitcom couples of all time.

You know, I was on my way back here to edit that to replace "idiot" with "paying so little attention as to not be doing their job". Was too slow.

"Kick-Ass 2 is better than its predecessor, though there was really no place to go but up"

How about Dane Cook?

I accidentally rolled a trash barrel over the leg of a gecko yesterday. The little guy must have been hiding underneath. I think his leg must be broken because he ran away on his other three legs with the fourth hanging limp =/

I still have no idea what it's about or what the hell happened at the end. Don't tell me, though; I like the confusion.

I'm rewatching the show right now and am actually on season 2! I don't love it as much as most fans do. It's highs are really high, but it misses just a hair too much for it to be my favorite season. It may also be that some of the emotional stuff is so intense that it's difficult to watch twice. It definitely has