the Bandy tract

Honestly had no idea he was in Harry Potter. I haven't seen them because I am an adult male.

*throws tomato*

"I swear that I don't have a gun /
no I don't have a gun /
no I don't have a gun"

Bad teeth is actually a myth; Britain has some of the best dental care in the world. And Scotland is where redheads are made. So… yeah, book my flight.

I think you may have misread the comment.

Stephen Colbert the person is way funnier than Stephen Colbert the character. I know I'm in the tiny minority, especially around here, but I just can't watch the show. I get that it's a parody of Fox News; it could be that Fox News enrages me so much that even a parody of it pisses me off.

"It really is kinda weird awesome how everyone just decided to ignore that whole incident"

The real news is that porno theatres still exist. Also, that spellcheck is telling me that "theatre" is spelled wrong when I know damn well how to spell theatre, thank you, spellcheck.

Haha! But seriously, that's stupid and you're stupid for saying it. The pitcher is already controlling half of the entire game. Everyone else literally just stands there, and they only move if the pitcher screws up. All other issues aside, an argument could be made that this guy should sit down once in a while and

I never noticed it until now, but maybe the secret is alliterative titles???

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus You are not.

Lake Bell is not acceptable in anything.

It's funny/sad that every group has a PC term for it now, but when people with dwarfism wanted to be called "little people", the rest of the world was like "Nope… you're midgets." Actually maybe just sad. Now I brought myself down. Carry on.

That's a good description of why it bugs me. Those random vocal gymnastics felt like a flip way to treat those lyrics. Put it this way: I can't imagine someone who wrote them deciding to sing them that way. They're angry for a reason. It's like taking the lyrics to Hurricane and recording them to the tune of, I don't

*touches the ground, feels the vibration*

Transformers is a different thing. What Michael [Bay]'s been able to do is elevate the material and take the human element to a whole other place," Wahlberg said with a straight face, because that is the only face he is capable of making.

The first time I saw her on Veronica Mars I thought, "she's gonna be famous." And I guess that happened, but… not how I expected. She's so talented in those scenes from the show, but her movie career has been all romantic comedies and other assorted bullshit. (The she was really good in Chloe, which, aside from one

She doesn't do nude scenes, but, I feel like playing a stripper defeats the point of that rule. Refusing nude scenes is a way to protect oneself from a certain kind of exploitation, but if you're already doing a strip tease, does it matter if actual nipple is visible or not?

I'm afraid to click any link that has more than 3 prefixes before the domain name.

Fuck off.