the Bandy tract

Same way your mother feels after taking yet another dick from yet another trucker, I suppose.

Your position is "invisible supermen because magic". You don't deserve respect. What the fuck is wrong with you? What the fuck is wrong with you to waste your mind and then decide to try to waste it for other people?


Nope, that's not what I'm saying. Read up on what happened. Even the prosecutor was mortified. It was some California, fame-whoring judge, who took the thing off the rails and turned it into a circus instead of a legal proceeding. He caused the situation to become what it did, instead a run of the mill plea/sentencing.

Meanwhile it's perfectly ok, even the norm, for celebrities to throw random shout-outs to their religion. Here's Spike Lee's tweet after his Kickstarter passed its goal today:

I'm fuzzy on "amoral". Is it because they kill the villains? Iron Man does that.

I don't think his death will change history's perception of him one bit. He's one of those rare cases of living history— his work has already had a second look, and a third, and a thousandth.

People who ask "Roth or Hagar?" are trolling you. Do not engage, unless it's to engage your fist with their face-hole.

He can't; the judge fucked the case, that was why he fled in the first place. People forget that he had already been in court for it, had a plea lined up and everything, but at the last second, a fame whoring judge decided to not honor the deal, which is technically allowed but basically unheard of.

The A.V.Club

You're going to have to explain how my being a "snide fuckhead" has anything to do with Texas. Also, you're going to have to explain who you're quoting there, because I didn't say either of those things. Also, since we're wishing for things that won't happen, you can

No, @avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus , you don't get to play the persecuted card. There's about 1 church per square mile in every inhabited inch of this country. None of them pay taxes. Almost every single member of the government identifies themselves as religious. Our currency says "In God We Trust"

Atheists aren't an organization. They're just people who, when told that the world was created by and is controlled by an invisible man, thought "Are you high?" and went about their day.

No. She was always a skank.

This is pretty bad, but I never gave it a chance beyond the opening credits. I just hated them; the art, the tone, everything. And I like Family Guy.

It was topical. Roll with me here, big guy.

Maybe he's from Texas and he's cranky because all of the women there have just lost the rights to their own reproductive tracts, because of religious people using the law to force their religion on other citizens.

I dunno, I was ten? Was it bad?

Yeah. Wait, what?

I think it's just any art you'd like separated for any reason.