Reetty Griboot

reading your firstie is probably similar to the experience of watching this movie.

Sounds great
especially for that funeral footage… will definitely "Netflix the ___" out of this at some point

Michael Bluth
Oh how you've fallen.

*troll horde descends upon herd of sacred cows. slaughter ensues.*

I would like to see step by step instructions for underwater basket weaving please.

I dunno… it was so long ago, I can't even remember

as a big JFK fan, I alwasy found the parody freaking hilarious. But I could see how it would be dated and out of place to people not familiar with the film

yeah, that is without a doubt the single funniest moment of this two-parter. The build-up and execution is a bit conventional for Seinfeld standards, but the payoff is so hilarious it doesn't even matter.

granted they were no Newcastle Brown Ale guy, but they were a bit much. maybe it's just because I read AV club on an old bogged down browser at work. Animations always anger me.

NYC hipsters (real and imaginary) sure have a narrow worldview

also, it's true: videotaping is not a thing anymore. It was officially obliterated from the collective consciousness in 2004.

I'm not sure that the free aspect is going to entice many people. Especially after enduring those horrible banner ads.

he also commented frequently in the HBO porn post

he must be getting blown RIGHT NOW as he's posting… otherwise I'm not sure how he'd have time for the sex and AV club

or secret success 1000ies?

well if you're just out to have fun, you'd pobably stay the hell away from your dying dad, because he's too much of a downer.

I've always preferred the classic "what"

and so it begins again

what's truly odd is that at this point, the Rolling Stones seem more youthful

god damn it… just spewed muffin crumbs on my desk