Reetty Griboot

I've heard in other AV Club comments sections that Gallo is actually quite nice. Not that I really would know or care personally…

who could win a canceraids?

I believe it's called Masterpiece Theater

*slide whistle*

yes it really is quite cruel.

do people really remember the exact day they lost their virginity?

the cruel ravages of time strongarmed him into his 40s, forcing him to work in crap movies for the paycheck

locking the door just limits the amount of girls you can get in here with you at once… I say leave it open and let them all flock in. I'm sure they are attracted by his man-scent

at least he's not 4th.


it's kind of like, what came first, the canceraids or the bearer of the canceraids? oh god, my mind is melting….

considering the still for this movie, the above two comments greatly repulse me.

I predict a large drop-off in sales after opening weekend…..

according to this timetable, it only takes approximately 45 seconds to convince these girls at the gym to have sex as well. Sample coversation:

you missed out… Fall of Hyperion and the Endymion books were much stronger to me than the original.

spoiler alert: all the world's dead veterans rise from the earth to feast on mankind

*kills self in panic*

it was such a good day that, yes, they were able to secure a team of analysts for their street game

a little bit of freedom died that day.

Ok fine
But what are we getting on 10/10/10? I demand to be entertained on these gimmicky dates!!