Reetty Griboot

I miss those tiny CDs. Also, minidiscs

I'm thinking WAT must be some kind of acronym… worst attempted thirdsie?

oh PS, best Armond White quote of the last few weeks:

maybe the world is just becoming a better place……

Why are the chosen ones always so whiny?

ok.. um, do you have any hobgoblins?

if they really wanted to appeal to nerds, they should just put a smoking hot babe in laughably impractical armor on every cover… even if it has nothing to do with the story.

I think he works from home, though…

It's actually quite common (see 300/Meet the Spartans, Scream/Scary Movie, etc)

3011: Western Movie wins Best Picture Oscar, narrowly edging out Ass: The Movie

it just really puts things in perspective, that both Jonah Hex and Airbender were worse than this movie.

it's sad to read these old comments, now that everyone has turned on Bale for his gravelly Batman voice in Dark Knight. Such young and innocent times…

if only there were a way we could get them to attack themselves… muses thoughtfully

no, dick gets involved in the fourth book. Dick definitely gets involved! *nudge nudge wink wink*

understang made me think of a tiny car scurrying below the belly of its mama.

creative translation I guess? I.e. taking the foreign word for Fucker and swapping out a single letter. They probably need to hire a whole team to do this.

sadly, the horrible career of DeNiro has now spilled into the 2010s. Such a shame.

Sometimes I feel like I'm reading dispatches from the fucked up bizarro world on the other side of the universe. Seriously, Bo Zenga?!

well played

yeah give me Uwe Boll any day. Nothing is worse than unfunny comedy.