Reetty Griboot

yes, as Jesus would say, turn the other cheek and wait for Breaking Dawn parts 1 and 2.

I would have also liked to see an F. Also, didn't like the bits of the review that were grudgingly positive.

yes, I am also very confused. How are fans of the rest of their oeuvre supposed to know that this is a product from the makers of Scary, Epic, Date, and Disaster Movie?

Cookie Monster continues to be one of the smartest posters here. What a strange world.

oh get over it… he's got some good songs. Are white people not allowed to like him just because he's black? Lyrics like "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery/ None but ourselves can free our minds" are pretty universal.

no, I think you did Ray Romano justice. He really is quite unfunny.

usually, I am against unprovoked violence. But your logic is oddly persuasive.

Glengarry Glenn Ross might as well be added to the list of Spacey ownage.

I have yet to see anyone, on the internet or otherwise, make a persuasive argument for the validity of scientology. So go ahead, I'm waiting…

oh yeah, I was going to make some quip about Kardashian Konfidential Kase or something, but forgot. eh whatever

I WISH I looked vaguely like R-Patts. I mean, you'd hate the fight em off with a stick!

very tired of both Juno hate and passionate Juno defense. And ambivalent Juno defense for that matter. Can we just move on?

Jack really did some intense supervision, though

lots of good musicians turned actors… but yeah, it really doesn't go both ways. wonder what that says about their relative difficulties.

Miss Pelling's

eh… what would you rather see, ID5?

or does it?

yeah what ruins the joke for me is that you apparently like the 1st but not the 2nd. I don't really see how that's possible.

good points, penguin. I like 28 days later personally, but hate how it spawned the running zombie craze. Also, it's just not very substantial and mostly just has flashy visual style going for it. So a bit ovrrated, is what I'm trying to say, but still worth seeing occasionally

eh I think the Walking Dead looks good, even if I am zombied out. And if they had those BS running zombies in a show with this title,… well that would be some serious false advertising. And I would be sad.