Reetty Griboot

this actually sounds kinda good… is it available online or on netflix instant?

thanks Hitler (never thought I'd say that). Will give it a go tonght

that's the thing, though… I love Pet Sounds because the lyrics are straightforward and emotionally relevant. The Beach Boys don't need to be all cryptic and bizarre. Plenty of other bands have that going on. But the old version of H&V certainly is sweet… so I dunno

already covered this pretty well yesterday, but yeah it was god-awful. But it was campy fun on a certain level at least

pssst… he's GAY. Didn't you see him singing and dancing at the oscars? only gay men do that…

yeah Season 1 and 2 are fairly good. Season 3 has its moments. I think 4 was the worst, and 5 was only marginally better, mostly because of Andy.

yeah, I've hated Nancy since around season 3. Not sure why I've still kpet with the show in spite of that.

F&G for sure… also, I think Six Feet Under started to dip enough in quality at the end, that I'm not sure it was a total graceful exit.

ugh, you have the beat the trolls back with a stick around here!

Good review… definitely makes me curious. I got their self titled after seeing them put on an awesome live show, and though there are a few good tracks on it, it hasn't really blown my mind.

that's one tough illegal immigrant.

doesn't Rob Lowe play some wicked sax solos whilst sweating profusely and not wearing a shirt?

my faith in Clive Owen is slowly dwindling… he used to seem like the ultimate badass (Croupier) and then he made a bunch of Hollywood movies that are so forgettable I can't name any of them. But he still is quite quite handsome.

come to think of it, that fight between Wolverine and female-Wolverine WAS pretty dumb. Maybe our standards were kind of low because of the quality of comic book films at the time (Spawn, Batmans 3 and 4, Hulk, Spiderman 1)

oh you should have kept reading, because he relentlessly praised those albums (and made a convert of me, at least). Big Star only got like 1-2 sentences.

I like all 4 of those albums, just pointing out the things the make them a hair shy of classics to me. And for Loaded, I meant the songs other than Who Loves the Sun, Oh Sweet Nuthin, and I Found a Reason are a bit slight. Those 3 are awesome.

you sure have gotten with the modern times, senator

Daniel Craig is Bond… duh! (and I haven't even seen him in those)

yes, more and more this film is looking like: "for those of you that LOVED X-Men Origins: Wolverine, here's…"

I think maybe a lot of people like the idea of bands like the VU more then their actual output. Don't get me wrong, I like them, but none of their albums quite live up to their status as great american cult band. For example: