Reetty Griboot

yea I need to check them out at some point as well.

thats screwed up… I thought the original edition DVDs were widely in circulation. guess not

clearly Greedo represents the man who's with Lucas' wife, and Lucas is the incompetent, late-firing Han Solo.

those movie books were so sweet… i had all three, and I definitely remember a lot of angles/shots that didn't gel with what the films presented

congrats and all. Yee Yee is apparently more of a player than I would have imagined.

I dunno.. I always found the beginning of ROTJ pretty tedious… seeing it from Vader's POV was nice, I guess, but the pacing is just leaden. Wouldn't mind a bit of a shake-up

just take her to see it someday, Greed. Then your life will be complete.

I saw seven samurai at around the same age (14-16 can't remember), and honestly, my understanding of japanese culture didn't go much further than the stereotypes you all mentioned. Seeing that movie completely blew my mind, and was instantly my all-time favorite.

yes, I saw them on there awhile back and will be hitting this up soon as well. God bless Netflix

I really liked the pastoral scenes. Terrible entry to Kurosawa but great film. And if anyone is seriously turned off by black and white, I wouldn't bother recommending them anything ever.

wow… great story. If you two subsequently got married, it would be one for the ages.

too soon

oh god… must watch when I get home

considering how shitt Chris Brown's music has always been… I would have like to see a much higher level of outrage/ostracizing

the fact that not only someone cracked a very good Cornel West joke, but also that multiple people got it is great.

Graduation wasn't so bad either

I find it hard to believe that anyone could be paying $500/mo for a 3 bedroom anywhere in the country. Are you sure you aren't just renting ONE of the rooms?

not sure if I saw it all the way through, but I remember it being ok (especially for Mifune as Rogozhin (spelling?))… I think having read the novel is ESSENTIAL, because of the cuts

Shimura was also in the original Godzilla. he is a great actor, and probably my favorite part of Seven Samurai.

yeah, compared to like a LOTR extended cut, seven samurai is a breeze.