Reetty Griboot

dear lord, I've read all three of these and owned two. I'm such a nerd.

yeah people conveniently forget about Bug's Life. I can't remember for the life of me if it's any good, but I remember being annoyed with it when it came out. At least it wasn't Ants.

Ugh I missed a chance to see Seven Samurai in theaters because I caught the wrong bus. I still regret it almost a decade later.

yeah but it was probably Myst or something. Sissy.

$15 for a drink? Man, NYC is a piece of shit.

I didn't get the hype for this initially cause I thought it only had Sly and not 234823 other badasses. So now I'm kinda psyched to Netflix it one day at least

yeah, Cera seems to be getting younger if anything.

awesome in real life doesn't always translate to awesome on the internet, I'm thinking…

well, by and large, it's true!

DUH! Has she never walked through a supermarket?

well I think all the reasonable responses have already been said here… Aniston may have been coming from a single-mom empowerment direction (which I'm all for), but she certainly said it all wrong.

D…D… D…

yes, great movie… very uncomfortable. I'd probably tie it with Zoolander as Stiller's best movie. (heck, those two might be his only watchable ones… as a lead, that is)

used to read videogum, but the snark levels got too high

@OY: I came to Arcade Fire through the same roundabout way, first having a knee jerk dislike because of all the Funeral praise. Glad I've come to my senses.

well not free per se… but damned cheaper than a cable package that includes showtime

people repeatedly try to kick Drizzt's ass… they just fail horribly, because he is that awesome

grooveshark is kinda handy, but I feel like its catalog doesn't go deep enough, and the interface is pretty terrible.

yeah… any AF backlash at this point seems to be by people irritated by their widespread success or those too impatient to let the music grow on them a bit. Really good stuff so far.

what if people started incorporating traditional Indian music into western pop songs? It could be revolutionary!