Reetty Griboot

I rather like that Turtles song…

some of the Gorillaz remixes on D-Sides Disc 2 are worthwhile.

Payton/Kemp were dynamite in real life, and to boot were a great NBA Jam combo. Detlef Schrempf wasn't the best sub-in, but he sure is a likeable guy.

I dunno… I love this movie, but it's hard not to feel that the entire primitive man sequence is a little silly. It's mostly the costumes, though I recognize that they were amazing for their time.

by = be my

@Cinenasty: That's funny, I saw it at Cinerama too during its run there… great experience!

ICQ was sweet… I loved being tied to a big long random number and having a flower in my task bar. Also, Dead AIM was the shit for awhile.

plus, they say shake it LIKE a polaroid picture. Clearly no polaroids are being taken or developed in this song… people are merely simulating the bygone action of header days while they get their groove on.

plus no one called them the "Supersonics" for a good decade or so before the move to Oaklahoma or wherever the hell they went.

ugh… beat me to it broseph.

as I Seattle resident, I'm incredibly psyched to watch that Mix a Lot video when I'm on a better connection.

super nintendo sega genesis

those Campaign Ads were freaking GREAT… mostly for Tim Meadows. Shame his career tanked because of the godawful Ladies Man.

crystal meth will lift you up until you break

AT&T has ruined the man for me… I can't take him seriously. sorry.

this is why every movie needs a subtitle. for instance:

yeah I loved that opening too

yeah, he's got a horrible track record, but:

yeah… Michael Keaton has been remarkably crafty by not appearing in shitty films. I'm sure someone will post one to contradict this though…

yes, I was hoping this would be good… not a huge McKay fan, but Ferrel in the right movie can be damned funny.