Reetty Griboot

I think it also boils down to whether or not you think rednecks are charmingly funny… i don't really, unless they're on King of the Hill

Better off Dead definitely one of my favorite 80s comedies and probably Cusack's best. I don't feel the need to give reasons why

@Yankee: I believe the feeling you are looking for is bad. Very bad!

hated the rake scene with Sideshow Bob and usually hate these kind of jokes…

Haven't seen it from beginning to end, but I love the scene where Baron-Cohen puts jazz music on the jukebox and Ferrel and co freak out. The rest of the movie, (including the subsequent arm breaking) not so much.

great post (and reply)… one of my favorite elements of the book was to see each new character reacting to not only the previous character but their genre and era as well.

also, Cloud Atlas was comprehensible to people who don't want to spend their entire lives deciphering it. Not that I've tried to read Ulysses yet, but I hear of its reputation.

yes! like Miller, also loved how the Ewing section ends at the bottom of the page and then the final one continues at the top of the next, as if the diary really has been torn in half.

after actually reading the interview… guy's surprising articulate about what he is trying to do with The Other Guys. Wouldn't have expected that from the man who directed Step Brothers.

yeah… somehow I envisoned him a whole lot skinnier.

I thought it looked good… Ferrel as a nerd and all. Maybe I'm easily entertained.

This spells DOOM!
The Other Guys: C-

asflkjseljsdglk! eeee

well I stand corrected about the songwriting… still, if beats are 90% of the appeal of the song and you don't make those yourself, have you truly earned your songwriting credit?

cmon, NOT using 3D at this point is like trying to make a rock record without plugging in your guitar. Get with the times, grandpa!


odds not in his favor

I hear that Prop 8 thing might have been tossed out… yay

I knew there was a disadvantage to Kindles! I am a compulsive back-flipper and re-reader. This is why I never listen to Audiobooks. I need to be able to pause and think, and go back and re-consider endlessly.

the problem is all the talk gets focused on her looks, bypassing how soul-crushingly bad the music is. And I suppose if her vocals were completely removed from the song, it wouldn't be bad. or maybe if she was singing in another language that I could never understand.