Reetty Griboot

well , I don't think any of these pop stars write their own songs (especially not Gaga). But it's hard to see how anyone would even consider using something this despicable.

Maybe I just need to have more faith in others… come to think of it, I have a friend who mostly reads Neil Gaiman graphic novels and John Irving but also read and (mostly) enjoyed The Brothers K. So he'd probably love this.

Genre/Literary distinction
It's weird, because I know that I shouldn't care about this… but all throughout reading the novel, I kept wondering how other people would classify Cloud Atlas. Is it "serious" literary fiction or a more modern pageturner. Or to say it otherwise, is its purpose to enlighten or entertain?

I loved the ending, and well of course it is preachy, it's a freaking great message. Sure, civilization is going to eventually go down the toilet because human nature is brutish and nasty. But if people can carve out temporary oasises of happiness, like the Morioiri or the Valleysmen, then life (if at least for a

yeah I also love that every one of his books got reccommended… makes me want to read them all. Think Mitchell has some real talent.

as someone who also hasn't seen Inception, I half-heartedly share her anger.

This may be months too late…
But can we reflect on how terrible that California Gurls song is? I hate nearly every second of its running time… I think I have actually had nightmares where I hear parts of her hideous warbling in my head.

Nicholas Cage, in the film that nearly tore. him. apart. … Trespass

well as they already have A-Sides… could this be, well you get it

The Rent episode

Dr. T and the Winnebago

I much prefer the Mercury Mistress

well as long as he never sinks to the level of the Geico cavemen. Or Justin Long.

I stopped watching 3-4 episodes in because it wasn't funny and the lip-synching was so unconvincing. Nothing worse than musicals when you can clearly tell they're just mouthing to a backing track.

everything you referenced in your post confused me

more like a pack of Old Spice guys, adolph

what about that movie where serial killers go up to a random family's house and terrorize them? Well, I guess that's a lot of movies actually.

I'm not sure how anyone in their right mind can claim she added anything to Batman Begins (besides the obligatory pair of tits). But maybe that's just me…

Presence of Katie Holmes
-10 points for any movie

another roadblock: does Eno have any kind of greatest hits for beginners? Obviously it wouldn't include ambient stuff, but it could collect "hits" from the first 4-5 pop albums, maybe a sprinkling of whatever pop stuff he did in the 80s, and a few Roxy Music tracks for good measure