Reetty Griboot

yeah… comparing them to Bowie is going to throw off any new listener's expectations. If Bowie was a lot less flamboyant and more serious, and… a great many other differences. Just think of them as the transcendent peak of whiny indie rock.

can a song really be underrated this close to the release date?

I think this A- is spot on… a very good album, but far from perfect. Seems like a lot of critics are giving them automatic A because they're Arcade Fire.

I thought Iggy Pop was the godfather of punk.

"I usually read The Boondocks comic strip when it first appeared in The Washington Post, but never watched more than a few seconds of the TV show, and wasn't really interested in it."

yeah, the original BS is one of those classic cases of a movie that is only good to high school or college males who haven't seen enough movies.

though Cavendish and Frobisher were both pretty sassy, I think they felt distinct enough. Personally, I hated the Cavendish section until I got to the 2nd half. Seeing him put in that poor of a situation, even if he is a bit of an idiot, just depressed me. But the triumph of part 2 easily redeemed it.

I loved seeing the brand names swapped in for common nouns in Sonmi… made the orld feel a lot more real and possible. Surprised that they could even use all those legally.

I'd like to see a ranking too… the Adam Ewing hate surpirses me, since I loved his section from the get-go and was sorry I had to wait so long to return to him.

disagree with OP on some points, but the twist in Sonmi's section really irritated me as well. I loved all the rest of it, but couldn't figure out any reason for the twist except to make the story gratingly similar to 1984.

while Civ is virtually the same game every time, it just keeps getting BETTER. And the basic gameplay is so timeless that its still worth playing.

gay movie = Brokeback Mountain
straight movie = Mr. Wrong

wait, which clip. Because the warehouse dance is probably the ultimate expression of teenage angst comingled with the joy of the dance. But the homoerotic dance lessons montage is also amazing.

I freaking love this movie… it works as both straight up 80s cheese (warehouse dancing sequence) and honest heartfelt movie (every scene with Lithgow). So, to hell with all you haters

bet you loved 5th element then

yeah.. .but luckily it will be a failure of epic proportions. So it'll be fun to stick around and see the fallout.

but now all 3 boobs will be in 3D in your face!

life is actually for dying…. very slowly day by day

ahem, Master and Commander. Though it did also have cannons, I am told

is the original the movie where in the trailer they steal the seinfeld joke "you don't see them picking up our poop?"