Reetty Griboot

Kinks are definitely geeky as hell and have aged horribly… still love em though.

yeah this G2G surprised me… never thought of the Who as particularly geeky. Maybe in this day and age a bit, as they haven't aged as well as the Beatles, Stones etc.

not a huge fan of the one location episodes, but the Parking Garage has enough good laughs to be a great episode, and the setting perfectly mirrors the themes

yeah, but he's probably Isaac Hayes

Internet Fail
Wow, I had never seen that Stuff White People Like blog before… my at work afternoon schedule is full now!

I think it's a bit much to call The Conversation one of the greatest films of all time. I mean, made if your greatest list includes 250+ films…

this is a well reasoned and articulated comment. bravo!

good story, but is your twitter that popular that you needed the disclaimer?

I'd have to say the voiceovers for Civ IV

Repo Mien… a 90 minute shot of one dude's face as he prepares to enter his first repoing assignment

so here's a question… would someone (a friend of mine let's say) who enjoyed 300 and to a brainless extent Troy, get anything out of CotT? He likes Ancient Mythology stuff but not so much Sam Worthington and 3D.

If anything, he gets a lifetime FAIL for Lady in the Water, The Happening, and Airbender. So basically, even if he starts making good movies, it won't matter because of that horrible FAIL.

my god the UK is a strange place

yeah honestly… a quick scan of those listed, I've seen: Dances, Twins, Life Less Ordinary, Sweet Hereafter, WarGames, Zorro, My Cousin Vinny. Get netflix or something…

while the script synopsis was entertaining, there's no way that would make a good or even coherent movie.

I didn't find that article very funny… can I have my dollar back?

well… hence the need for a reboot, I guess.

is that a joke aout Gladiator 2 or is the script actually good? And seeing as the titular Gladiator died in the first one, how can there even be a good premise?

if that crookshanks had just been a bit wilier and killed the rat in his sleep… a lot of bad stuff could have been avoided.

I have no idea who this is
and can't fathom why he's named fred AND lucas. God bless ignorance.