Reetty Griboot

that quote made me mad. If Hitler was a frankenstein, that means he was the freaking Dr. The monster is called Frankenstein's monster. Dr. Frankenstein didn't freaking create himself! AERGGRGHR

don't worry… eventually their warrior messiah will come and the chosen people will ascend to blissful paradise

Bubba ho-tep really does need to be seen in a chintzy old theater at night

I was a bit disappointed by idiocracy just because it been hyped quite bit as diamond in the rough. it does have a lot of funny parts though

I don't think anyone would ever question Snyder's balls… he's just lacking in good taste

maybe I'm too much of a 12 yr old at heart… but this sounds kinda entertaining. And I liked 300 and Watchmen too, so I guess I'll never grow up

I'm kind of scared to download stuff like this because I'm afraid I'll initially like it but then grow tired of it in a month and regret my lost investment. Like with Clap Your Hands Say Yeah etc etc

(joins unending music grade debate)

when a saxaphone sounds like it's snarling at you.

I'm surprised by this review too… downloaded the album last night and haven't listened, but I definitely have been expecting at least B material, especially considering other advance reviews.

just because it's legal doesn't mean it isn't a sin

Failed fourthsies?

this is a great story… I wish it had somehow been part of my life experience

speaking as a non blues fan, I don't see any problem with it. also, the Rolling Stones

the book is much better than the movie, btw

I think you're confused about the meaning of Final. You see, in movies it almost always refers to an entry in the middle of the franchise, or in the case of particularly clever franchises, every entry.

I see what you *yawn* did there. Sorry, this news is making me drowsy

oh, also:

"I've been stumblin' 'round dodgin' pigeons poop and all I see"

kind of agree with you, see my comments above. just didn't find the homer sasquatch bit funny, and it kinda ruined the other hilarious bits of the episode for me. The RV part is unimpeachable though