Reetty Griboot

I've never much liked this episode, eiher, particularly because of the ending bits. When they play up homer's stupidity too much, it really kills the humor to me. I like it better when he's relatable

in my mind, Steart probably kicked Eisenberg out of her apartment as soon as they were done having sex. Loved adventureland, except the BS last 10 minutes or so. And Eisenberg is a lot less quirky than Cera and thus more relatable.

As somone whose life is basically the real version of Knocked Up, I can assure you that couple at least, won't make it.

man too bd I missed this thread… because I've been trying to defend ToD for years. Definitely tied with Raiders as my favorite… Raiders is clearly a better movie from an objective pov, but I love the dark aspects of ToD… the cult, heart ripping, voodoo possession, child enslavement etc etc. Scared the living shit

is this the same Orlando based on a Virginia Woolf novel or is it a different one… because that movie wasn't bad

I got confused… was BPDs supposed to be BJDs?

wow… drunken Mel Gibson has really ruined the entirety of this comments section

well they at least need a good pair of slippers

Penny Loafers starring George Clooney and Pauly Shore

ugh, even Arnold Judas Rimmer couldn't save Tomb Raider.

I liked 13th Warrior… when I was like 13. Can I time travel back and grab past me to come see this one with me?

what… passion of the christ had too much religion for you?

I'm not sure I needed to know about that dream…

to me it looks like the naked bald dudes are prancing through space.

I remember liking this movie when it came out, but now I'm not sure if I only liked it for being edgy…

Well I for one
am glad that Ramona finally got her first movie.

all this talk is making me pretty excited for the 2nd half… because I haven't found the 1st half slow going at all… I loved jumping into each of the new worlds. Well, the Luisa Rey one was tedious at first, but it picked up.

shambling zombies are threatening in close quarters… like in Day of the Dead where people have nowhere to go because they're underground. The claustraphobia of being crushed by a wall of zombies all trying to rip out your guts is kinda terrifying for me.

well… if you say so…