Reetty Griboot

I remember thinking the Mel episode was pretty fun when I first saw it (probably a few years after the airdate)… thinking back on it, though, it feels to much like Family Guy episode.

wel maybe you could still be a housewife…. just not a REAL housewife

I'm still trying to blaze through this before Wrapped Up begins. This line irked me: "and other riffs on steely science fiction and the primal mind of Fallen Man hide their gems in murky prose that's likely to make readers glaze over. " I think the Sonmi-451 section is easily the best in the book thus far and I love

that's an interesting perspective JVS, and it's true Dan sticks to his guns a bit too much sometimes (I remember he used to deny that bisexuality even exists… not sure if he still says this).

I've heard that some VS stuff is actually well made, though still expensive. But I don't have any first hand experience. But yeah, it is a total monopoly

A lot of people browsing from work can't download plugins. Heck I can't even watching streaming videos.

sweet, you just saved me the trouble of having to watch it… now, let me just buy a few international plane tickets… shit, I don't have the money for that!

Obligatory Savage Love post
That 3rd story about the divorced couple and the new baby really hit hard for me (as a recent separatee with kids). Great advice as usual, Dan!

well it's not like you need to click on them or anything… but yeah, it has been kinda seedy lately

I believe this is on Netflix Instant watch.. will have to give it a shot

didn't they both lose at the box office? So maybe we did win after all…

Not really much to get my ire going this week
Though Julia Roberts does look pretty smug in that picture. Please share your wisdom and tell us all how to live properly.

I——-Snark Free Zone———I

they have one or two ok songs since then… not sure if either of them made the soundtrack though

3D was slain today…and all it took was one dog

make it happen…. that's all I'm sayin

I believe that both posts must be identical in order to qualify as double posting. Fail.

that sounds like a rather sinister party… but at least it was IN 3D!

Bay's probably more of an Aerosmith fan, actually

@Archmage: while I don't agree with all your points, it's true that CCGs were kind of ruined by the constant stream of new sets. Plus a stuffy set of rules that made all the old cards unplayable.