Reetty Griboot

Magic the Gathering FTW!

IIRC, season 9 has the Trouble with Trillions episode, which partially redeems it for me…

Pointless Comment
I always thought it was DirectTV… weird

the rock music is just so bland, there's really nothing to say… I think Rabin exhausted all his bile on that Nickleback song

"It's not often you see a vicar depicted as someone who is conflicted, drinks, uses strong language, but is still a good priest. "

Never been a huge fan of these guys… but this review is just so ecstatic that I might give them another chance

the only problem with the title is that 24184180941 other books/movies/albums etc needed to parody it. I'm so tired of seeing "The Good The Bad and the _____ " everywhere.

"But I did spend a stupid amount of high school hours being a huge fan. I do not regret those years, but neither do I fully endorse them. I don't like them as I much as I did, but I can still see their value, and they DID make some great music."

wow, this is the first I've heard of those albums either

I've only heard Ham, which I really liked back in the day, but I could see how this band gets passed off as a little gimmicky. Like Fujiya & Miyagi, they seem more interested in being quirky and cool than righting great songs.

pfffffttt *spits out tea* I take offense!

Lucas gets a lifetime pass for Howard the Duck, though, right?

i still think Temple of Doom is great, and possibly my favorite of the original three. But I know that I'm in the 5% minority here…

ugh I hate that Tank scene… goes on way too long and lacks the momentum of the similar RotLA scene

The Fast and the Furious springs to mind…. or is that a quadrilogy now? Then again, watching it in general is pretty unnecessary.

Love that scene… is there a parallel to that in Yojimbo? I can't recall

Clint Eastwood is pretty damned cool… but really, no one is cooler than Toshiro Mifune.

I always though the 2nd was the worst of the trilogy.. and that interminable hat shooting scene really helped ruin it for me. Fistful is good, but a little too rough. The fact that it's a rip of Yojumbo never really bothered me at all. Both worth watching.

one of the main reasons I prefer Metacritic over RT is that the former ignores Armond White completely

well comments like yours are going to drive it up that high… mine too for that matter. doh