Reetty Griboot

you have my sympathy, Chartex.

I don't mind Titanic, The Beach, Basketball Diaries etc. It's when Leo tries his hardest to be a serious oscar contender that he pisses me off. See: the Aviator, Gangs of NY, Catch Me. He was ok in the Departed because he was surrounded by so many other brilliant actors.

yeah, in hindsight it looks like 2010 has served up some pretty big stinkers. Alice in Wonderland, seriously? At least Toy Story 3 wasn't bad

don't know if spiders can be sarcastic, but I think it could work too. And anything's better than Ed Norton.

I would see a rebooted Hook starring Ruffalo as Rufio. Though he might be a bit old… I'd still see it.

a rare unintentional and pointed secondsie! we need a club for spotting these

I'd rather see Mark Whalberg reprising his role as a FIRE fighter… co-starring Christian Bale, of course

honestly, if you go to an Olive Garden on the weekend for dinner, and you're seated in less than a hour… you're damned lucky.

Eric Dane, as I recently found out, was also Multiple Man in X-Men 3. True story.

elDan: time to let it go

do people really walk out of movies or is that just a turn of phrase? I know that I've never walked out of a movie… but then again, I usually save the stuff I'm not sure I'll like for DVD.

typo? are you trying to imply that blacks shouldn't be invited to more than one dinner? for shame!

maybe you were just born with no taste buds

there's also the factor that most of these wise men (Obi-Wan, Gandalf, Nic Cage apparently) look bat-shit crazy. So the hero is naturally a little cautious about going anywhere with them.

wait, Tobe Hooper directed a heartwarming movie? Tobe "Texas Chinsaw Massacre" Hooper?

Nic Cage causes grade inflation by his awsomeness

well, it's certainly a failed lasties (Airbender)

that was a pretty good, out of the blue story. And now I know what a gunt/FUPA is

doesnt he have short hair in Bad Lieutenant? I think he actually looks a lot creepier like that.

well in all fairness, reluctance to accept the call to adventure is part of the mythic hero cycle. So while no one in real life would ever think twice about leaving their boring life behind, it's so engrained in all storytelling that most stories would feel false without it.