Reetty Griboot

speaking of Buckaroo Banzai and S.O. hate… my fiancee HATES this movie, considers it the worst movie ever made, is not amused, etc. My defense always is "it's intentionally cheesy!" but she won't budge. I mean, Jeff Godblum dressed as a cowboy, cmon!

no, Judd Apatow created him in his magical quirk machine

I was initially psyched about this, but the poor reviews (I think a C- is the highest I've seen) and description of the lame plot are ruining it for me

to echo everyone else here: go ahead and get it. the album is very consistent, and if you like one track you'll probably like them all


Pitch must have been
"8 Simple rules for dating my tenage daughter plus about 102."

more sage wisdom from cookie monster…thank you!

Guess I can't argue about how they sound live, since I haven't seen them. My favorite songs on the album are the weaker ones (Touch Me Pt 1, Thank You Too)… so maybe the annoying rockers DO get better.

Love me some FF/Owne Pallett
But do we really need to hear remixes of his songs? I'm tired of artists assuming we want to hear a remix… especially if their music is not very dancey to begin with!

I think the main issue here is that Evil Urges really is kind of a shit record (with a few ok tracks)

*throws glitter and shrapnel in Strangelove's face*

I think that might the view of most commenters… dunno about the staff.

how does their stuff compare to their succesor bands? I've always meant to check out Carissa's Weird, but Grand Arhives puts me to sleep…

whats the other one?

I've heard that the 3D caused the movie to be grainy and dim… no wait, that's every other 3D movie ever

yeah, the 80s/90s were kind of the golden age what with Hot Shots, Naked Gun, etc.

why are people surprised by this? Why does anyone think he's funny?

Remember when Meet the Spartans killed off Sword and Sandal pics for good? Take that, greased abs!

(blow jobs were involved)

Has Wall Street 2 come out yet? Does anyone even care about these movies?