Reetty Griboot

I was a fan

life in 3D would be a lot dimmer and grainier. But stuff would randomly come RIGHT AT YOU for no apparent reason other than titilate you.

*high five*

firstie, lastie, and anywhere elseie?…. this is truly the snake eating its own tail

cancerous dad rock etc

deleted Wall-E scene: the humans all start canibalizing each other once they return to earth, because they're too fat and lazy to start growing their own food

I think this could be good…remember that Snow White with Sigourney Weaver?

seems like no one ever lists City of Lost Children among their favorites… I've only seen it once, but I remember it being just as good as Delicatessan etc.

Seven really does hold up well… it is a GREAT film, even if Brad Pitt is still a bit of a novice in it. And yes, it is a bit slow and methodical, but not every film needs to be all whiz-bang action.

the Predator is just that damned fast

shit, an Alien theme park ride? Do they still have that? I'd love to ride that as an adult

Predator is good fun, but Alien/s are definitely a cut above.

"Billy making his stand on the log, pulling out a knife longer than a goddamned surfboard and preparing for a mano a mano? BADASS."

if Hayden thinks Predator has no subtext, I'd like to see a write up on something like Commando.

I think T2 was my first R movie… probably because it isn't terribly violent.

I remember
not being allowed to watch this as a kid… different worlds, man.

at least it's proof that the term "cougar" is finally becoming so unhip, that even network sticoms refuse to say it

*quakes in fear of impending giant Hung ad invasion*

@JMP: Same here… constant bombardment by unfunny ads, and yet no local stores to boycott. It's a shame

Jules Neighborhooding
Still trying to wrap my head around this phrase… it rubs me in all the wrong ways