Reetty Griboot

I'm also irritated by having to scroll this far down the main page once a week… seriously, though

@Fidel: I beg to differ.

I've seen posters for albums on the street before (not in NYC)… it is a dying form of advertising though, and almost never effective it seems

This review kind of sucks though… he spends one paragraph talking about Andre 3000 and the other skimming over a few tracks

I'd like to see a 3D film version of that painting… looks pretty bad ass

I'm also curious to see how Seattle is presented in Eclipse

yes, I will forever be scarred by that 3D penis firing straight at me.

patience, young bear. This too shall pass.

It's been done a long time ago… I remember seeing a midnight showing of some cheesy 3D porn from the 70s. Don't want to google it at work… but I swear it exists!

You know what's a good idea?
What if we went back and added color to those old films that don't have it, like Schindler's List?

Black Eyed Peas replace the String Quartet on the Titanic and decide to keep playing "Let's Get Retarded" as the ship sinks…

yeah, this sounds pretty stupid. And it's not like HE has to do any work to Make Titanic 3D. All he has to do is sit back while the technicians gussy it up… then watch Kate Winslet's 3D rack.

Norah Jones IS irritatingly low key… maybe not race-war worthy, but…

I could be wrong, but I don't think Telephone was the only video released by a musician in the last year

my town's public library had Cloud Atlas checked in with no holds. It's nice to live somewhere that has a great library and a small population of people who read :)

I just started Cloud Atlas after reading the review of Mitchell's newest one. At my sluggish pace, I'll be lucky to finish by the 26th, but it might be nice to join in!

(O Neal didn't post this one)

yeah, the humor is what's sorely lacking from both screen Dumbledores. Heck, I'd say all the Potter films could stand to have a bit more of the books' sense of humor.

I thought both Dumbledores were pale imitations of the guy I imagined from the books…

Has anyone even been Bond between those two other than Brosnan? That's not saying much…