Reetty Griboot

you should play yourself in the upcoming Hobbit movie, troll

I think a lot of people would care… but then again, they'd have like 243232354235 old Bond movies to console themselves with

He could also do another respectable movie as a serious actor… he is one of those, after all

both Day Man and Night Man are superior to most NOW songs

I think they need to retire the Bond franchise… a couple dozen films is enough, right?

this inventory would have been a lot more fun if it hadn't started with MIA proving the music critic right

*Raises hand*

I saw a kid at the mall this weekend dressed/painted up to look like that Airbender guy. He looked really psyched to see the movie.

The ending of the internet is NOT The Event… Stay Tuned.

I think this sounds like a good deal, and maybe a lot more rewarding than Starz Play. So maybe people should stop their knee jerk negativity

does this mean Ntflix won't be streaming HBO shows any more? Did they ever stream them? A quick scan of memory says no…

@Arsenio: sorry if I offended, I didn't remember the circumstances of Dimebag's death.

actually, we have almost the same schedule here during the summer: 8-5 M-Th and then 9-12 Friday. The rest of the year it's 9-5 M-F

Dimebag Darrel etc.

hah… hour 5ish here. too lazy to count. yay for death at 50!

yeah, this article shits on a few childhood classics that don't really deserve it… Mighty Ducks and Ace Ventura are both fine films

in his post, Ebert admits to having played Myst… so there

I like Grint in the HP movies as well… he is genuinely funny in most of his scenes and has been making a good transition from cute youngster to awkward teenager. I wish they hadn't cut the Weasley is our King bits in Order of the Phoenix… he could have shone there

One of the greatest actors of all time?
Ugh. Scorsese you just have a man crush on him. Stop casting Leo for god sakes, he's ruining all your movies.

But will it be in 3D?
And can we also incorporate a 3D in the title somewhere?