Reetty Griboot

But can we rastafy him by about 10%?

It's like Saw… it doesn't matter if it's considered universally terrible and doesn't take in a whole lot of money. The movies are made with practically 0 budget, so they can keep cranking them out ad nauseum.

i think that some men fantasize that they are common… but considering that like 1 in 3 women actual HAS been raped, I think this might be exaggerated

who wants to watch hip New Yorkers play ping pong? Give me some asian prodigies and maybe MAYBE I'll watch it

yeah, Netflix is better. Plus no commercials and you can watch from any video game system.



dude, Achilles was rapey. It's a literary tradition.

failed 0sies

But will it be as good as…
Space Truckers?

works better as 2ndsie to me… also, I think B&S has a larger fanbase these days, especially since their last album was a decent hit. YLT has been in a slow downward slide since I Can Hear the Heart etc.

Sean O'Neal is the reason for Terror Twilight

Did they hire a replacement for the fallen bass player?

not sure how the Goblet of Fire book could be considered gimmicky since it's the TURNING POINT OF THE ENTIRE SERIES! but the movie is very slight and probably the LEAST faithful of the adaptations.

I think the main difference was the changing of circumstances around his death (i.e. not having Harry spell-petrified, not showing the other battles). But the actual death IIRC was about the same…

I would like to see a movie about Pogs, or the people that still play them.

I would like to see Lego pirates wage a giant war against city legos and outer space legos. Maybe SW legos and the rest can make cameos…

SPOILERS? I would have liked to see his twisted body at the bottom of the tower in the HBP movie… that scene in the book really got to me.

I think every HP trailer begins with a helicopter landscape shot… kind of unnecessary

I think they might have a chance to make films that actually surpass the books this time. There is plenty of action to spread out over two movies, so I'm just praying the cut down some of the moping and bickering in the woods.