Reetty Griboot

well, all the scenes involving the actual Son of Sam killer and the dogs are pretty bad… but most Spike Lee movies have a few rough patches. But Mira Sorvino in an orgy, Adrian Brody as a punk gay prostitute etc make it all worthwhile

Sign me up for Starz the movie lol

what if ONE MAN could travel back in time to prevent the catastrophe of Nagasaki? This is the story of that man and his terrible deadline.

And I didn't say 25th Hour is his best film… far from it. Do the Right Thing, Summer of Sam, Crooklyn, Clockers, Malcolm X, Jungle Fever, and Mo Better Blues are all better

Anyone who doesn't enjoy at least 1/2 of Kill Bill 1 just doesn't know how to have fun… but I'll be damned if I ever try to see pt 2 again, especially with the lame cop out of an ending.

sounds fun… can't wait to perfect the Bronze Age Co-ed rush

well for me, 25th hour is his last personal film. since then it seems like he's sunk into genre pictures.

Spike Lee's last great film
25th hour. Discuss…

Coming this summer… a dentist that gives you more than you bargained for….. and the maniacal industry that supports him.

"that which does not kill me makes me stronger,"

yes and yes

as an American, I'm genuinely glad we lost as well. Soccer has always been the one sport we suck at, and it should remain that way.

I first read the headine as "ruin it." Maybe that's just personal bias…

OrangeCrush ftw

Is this for real? I'd love to read a Dan Simmons book with this story… Hyperion/Endymion were awesome when I was in high school.

it wasn't THAT bad, and no, I think it had absolutely nothing to do with the book.

he's honed his villain skills playing the DS?

Radcliffe isn't a horrible actor, but he isn't great either… definitely the weakest of the HP stars.

I don't think anyone would consider Our Love to Admire a good album… but if you give it a chance, it isn't quite as horrible as it seems. I guess that's pretty meager praise.

But someone's car might have been damaged!!