Reetty Griboot

I would be excited about the new Walkmen, but I'm afraid it's gonna be more of the same… all their albums are good, but I wish they'd get ome halfway decent production to showcase their songs. I'm tired of the echo-y, too hungover to care vibe.

I would attend a Sunday School taught be Steven Colbert… even if it made me comically out of place.

Obama has Irish ancestry?

At least pattinson kind of looks like a vampire…. stephanie meyer just looks like…. well a real life version of Bella. Hmm…

As a Washington State resident, I frown upon this kind of behavior.

Doctor Strange___

in this day and age, more plugs need to be pulled… permanently

@Castro: Dr Who sprang immediately to mind for me as well… but since Netflix has put the other seasons on instant stream, I'm just going to cross my fingers and pray they do the same for Season5 when it's finished.

I'll just hold out for Troll 3D

Does this movie ignore the other Planet of the Apes reboot?
We can only hope so…

I think it should be ok… and why bother pirating american music since the Brits have always been better at it anyway.

As an unrepentant pirate, I can still see that what I'm doing actually does hurt the industry. Elrond is correct

while it seems pretty comical now, it's annoying that they might actually make more of an effort to catch pirates.

Their name sucked before (and presumably their music too), but now it just doesn't make sense. Why are you saying party, and what is it in reference to?

Obviously only women and gays watch awards shows and straight males watch professional sports. So I don't see the conflict…


yeah, I guess this just means Oct-Dec will be no man's land for Oscar Candidates. But it doesn't make sense to have an awards show 1/3 of the way into the new year.

Agreed… The Squid and the Whale is more brutal black comedy than quirk and mostly makes fun of those with literary pretension rather than glorify them.

We really need a Hollywood hotline here… um mostly for the original post. All the other ideas would ruin our cred.

Great Odin's Raven!