Reetty Griboot

Actually, I like the heavy distortion on Embryonic… I just wish they did more with it. A good example is Worm Mountain, where they start with what seems like a monster jam and go nowehere for 5 minutes. And I don't expect Coyne to sing all cutesy like he does on the previous few albums, but a little more effort into

I haven't seen the wire (refuse is such a strong word), mostly because when people quote it they say something like "Fucking fucking fuck fuck" as if it has some transcendent meaning out of context.

My favorite Lips album is Yoshimi, so feel free to disregard my opinions…

I'm no huge Jake Gyllenhall fan (why are we even talking about him anyway?) but you can't deny he's done passably well in great movies (Brokeback, Zodiac, Jarhead).

It's so nice to see Walk Hard get wildly praised (by most) every time it come up in the comments…

as I commented above, he kills in musical roles. But I wish he'd do less of the random shit like Step Brothers/Dr. Brule etc.

Let's all not forget how well the Virtual Boy turned out…

odds are, neither TinTin film gets made, and Jacksonwon't hold out much longer now that Lovely Bones flopped so hard.

I saw Christina win a latin grammy once, so she must be the real thing.

Comments from somene who's actually heard the album? *Gasp* Why I never!

I may be the only one, but I was completely let down when Make up the Breakdown came out. I loved the Knock Knock Knock EP and their debut just didn't live up to expectations (kind of like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs in that respect).

should have looked at IMDB in the first place…

scrambling to name another stellar Nic Cage movie…….

you just made me realize that these are two entirely different films. In fact, I have no idea which of the two I had in mind when I first read this post. *mind blows*

yeah, all these decade definitions will be irrelevant soon enough anyway. it's not like people today go around saying "That classic novel is so 1870s!"

might be a little late for this, but…

Doesn't Patrick Bateman get killed off in the first few minutes of the Straight-to-video sequel?… not that I've seen it or anything

I imagine this will be about as good as the Legend of the Seeker show (despite the source material being quite a bit better)

*brain explodes

@Greene: Considering that most editions of Karamzov are 900+ pages, 50 pages in isn't enough to get a sense of the novel. Alyosha is an important character, but not any more so than the other brothers. Dostoyevsky probably identifies most with Ivan anyway.