A Stranger in the Alps

Yes - he snuck in a reference to someone who literally appears in the second movie.

Not surprisingly, PB and Marci have always been her favorites and Flame Princesses is up there as well. I think it always had enough stuff that was funny to her to make her want to watch. Early favorites were Finn's buff baby, the fire wolf nursing from the cow in Thank You and PB spinning a cow to make cheese in the

My six year old still loves it. She's been watching since three so it's not like it made a lot of sense to her then either. Now though she follows the stories (she really loved Stakes) and the oddness doesn't faze her at all.

The Residents - Hello Skinny

She was a lawyer in the original RBG episode. That's not new.

As someone who lives near and really likes Detroit, I just want to point out that Kid Rock is not from the Motor City but rather from Romeo which is in Macomb County, the inbred cousin that the rest of us pretend doesn't exist. In short, fuck him.

A few months back I think this site posted something that seemed to be gauging the interest in adding it to coverage:

Interesting that in that clip you linked the Pup Gang calls him Lemon Grease and he then shrieks "I am not Grease" since that whole grease thing comes back in this episode.

I think we're supposed to think it was the Pakistani air force that would have tipped them off. One of them said something about getting a list of all air force activity for the last few hours.

That's not strictly true. He did sing Werther in Detroit back in 1999 (not well reviewed). He also has an album called "The Opera Album."

I believe she's supposed to be in a film version of Terrance McNally's play Master Class. I think at some point Faye Dunaway was attached to that.

I'll just point out that Mike's "wife" in Fargo was named Linda which is also the name of Lester's new Asian wife. I kept expecting Lester to call her a super lady.

Yeah I think I'd have to go with "Lemonhope" as well though "Bad Timing" was incredibly haunting (not what I expected from an LSP episode). "Escape from the Citadel" was also great. As amazing as AT has been since the second half of season 5 into 6, I'm going to be upset when it gets no love from this competition.

Wasn't my favorite AT ever but I did love the promo art which only makes sense after seeing the episode:

Felt very strongly that Adventure Time should have won a Peabody. After their last four of this season they have a legitimate claim to be listed with those other shows (well really they already did after season four). I mean hell, they gave Dora one…

Well I only watched it once and obviously botched the chronology. I think my point still stands however that he remained passive up until the point that he heard lesser people denigrating his efforts.

I had a prediction for the final season: Hank catches up with Walt and Walt in turn makes a deal to save his family.  He'll give Hank a much bigger fish - Madrigal, a huge multi-national conglomerate. Everything is going great until Walt realizes that Madrigal is being painted as the genius behind the empire he built.

I lived through Fred Silverman, Supertrain, Real People, Love Boat and of course Pink Lady and Jeff. Don't tell me we thought that was a golden age; we thought it was shit. When Cheers and Hill Street Blues appeared we obviously were floored but you can't just say every decade thought it was a golden age because there

Edit: Good god - I think about 50 of the comments above have already made the point I was going to make and I posted about two minutes after Donna's review appeared. At least I know what people do during Low Winter Sun - type comment, copy text, prepare to paste as soon as review appears.

There was supposed to be an extended hour long (give or take) episode somewhere between 5a and 5b. I wonder if this little arc for Finn is what that special was going to cover.