A Stranger in the Alps

Oh come on. The most potentially offensive things on the show (masturbation in "All the Little People", Finn's wet dreams in "Frost & Fire" and of course PB and Marci) are so thematically tied to the episode in which they occur that if CN censored it, there would be no episode.

On Jesse Moynihan's website he briefly discusses the science vs. religion debate. It's interesting - go check it out before he winds up deleting it.

Okay originally I had thought the theme was dichotomies but the five stages of grief certainly works better as they like it to be the five somethings. Also if you look at the promo art Cuber appears to be dead which would certainly fit in with the stages of grief thing.

I really liked The High Life and wondered if it were as good as I remembered. It just seems like something that would have had a much better chance had it appeared a few years later. Anyone else see it?

Well let's see - to the best of my knowledge Lena Dunham's parents have done nothing for HBO.  Laura Dern's dad was on Big Love and her mom is on Enlightened for fuck's sake so it's kind of idiotic to pretend her parents have not been relevant to HBO since the late 80s. Again, being well connected is not the same

Yes, HBO is in the Lena Dunham business because of Judd Apatow.  That does not remotely come close to any working definition of nepotism unless she is secretly his love child. By your logic Terrence Winter benefits from nepotism because Scorsese is the executive producer of Boardwalk Empire.

Oh yeah - you don't want to piss off Laurie Simmons.  I mean she has millions of fans, the um… Simbiebers I think they're known as.  She'll mobilize them on twitter and it's all over for HBO then.

According to Adam Muto it's not Rebecca's last episode.  I'd be really surprised if she and Cole Sanchez didn't do the upcoming "Simon and Marcy."

I didn't take what you wrote as sounding negative at all. I assumed that there would always be some of the give and take that you describe so it seemed more like you meant it as an amusing story.

I think in the original treatment the Ice King's object (I assume his Fiona and Cake journal but I'm not certain) would turn into a monkey but Jesse refused to do something as hackey as a monkey joke.  I couldn't tell if it was Jesse's idea to make the ending about Ice King wanting to make his fanfic real or not.

Here are some thoughts from Jesse Moynihan on the ending in case any of you are interested.

Supposedly they were recording the commentary for the Season 2 DVD yesterday (or at least Kent Osborne tweeted about it yesterday).

It's easily in my top 10 and probably top 5 if I sat down long enough to come up with a list.  It creeps me out a little how much I like it because the only other show that comes close for me is The Sopranos and tonally they're not very similar.

It's easily in my top 10 and probably top 5 if I sat down long enough to come up with a list.  It creeps me out a little how much I like it because the only other show that comes close for me is The Sopranos and tonally they're not very similar.

Just want to say the Judy Gold/Sue Simmons joke was the greatest thing ever.

Just want to say the Judy Gold/Sue Simmons joke was the greatest thing ever.

Well yeah -  they're actually both nice meta jokes when you think about it. One is a beating the censor joke and the other is laughing at cartoon conventions joke.

Well yeah -  they're actually both nice meta jokes when you think about it. One is a beating the censor joke and the other is laughing at cartoon conventions joke.

Billy's dead assuming you think Andy Ristaino should know:

Billy's dead assuming you think Andy Ristaino should know: