soggy cereal

I put in Genesis 1 and got Ursula K. Le Guin. Does this mean that God is female?

age difference
Monica Bellucci is Jay Baruchel's movie girlfriend? Isn't she, like, 50?

cautiously optimisitic
Did anyone else notice that Cat used the phrase "cautiously optimistic"? Has she perhaps been visiting the AV Club?

French Toast Quentin Tarantino
When I glanced at the newswire, I thought it said, "French Toast Quentin Tarantino". It sounded really good. Now I'm craving breakfast foods.

Also, raw ramen is a popular snack in Hawaii among schoolchildren. We used to eat it on the playground all the time…except back there, it's called saimin. It's much better than raw pasta because ramen noodles are deep fried before they're packaged..

My cousin and I dump our sno-caps into our heavily-buttered popcorn everytime we went to the movies together. And we were in middle school, and not stoned at all. It is delicious. You really do need to try it - I don't see why there would be anything shameful about it. The only reason I don't do it now is because

I bought the whole Jeff-Annie thing - in fact, when Jeff left the dance, I told my husband, "He's choosing Annie!" I love saying, "I told you so."

Well, it won't just be Shia. According to an article I read somewhere else, the front-runner to be his new love interest is Gemma Whats-her-face from Prince of Persia. Also, they're considering Bar Rafaeli and some other Victoria's Secret model. Frankly, I think any one of those would be even more out of La Beef's

I think the "fuck it, just give up" message in 30 Rock is more realistic than dark. Sometimes you have to settle…like I did with Crunchy in Milk.

the heart
I was not impressed with Will Arnett's last project. Hopefully, he will bring back the heart in this one.

Will Arnett, I think you meant that he hast to become an ANALRAPIST.

Wasn't she engaged to another Hawaiian? And does the movie completely ignore her attempts to restore the monarchy of Hawaii? Because that's pretty much all she's famous for.

I don't think she slept with Danny. They just made out a lot, and she sent him out to get her sandwiches instead of having sex.

Was that a firstie attempt? Because, not to be rude or anything, but you kind of failed.

Harmon even made a PSA to try inform everyone on how to properly use "streets ahead".

Well, shitty perhaps maybe possibly could be qualifier, like maybe it is a mediocre movie that is shitty, as opposed to a mediocre movie that is decent? I don't know, it seems to me that shitty and mediocre don't have to be mutually exclusive, perhaps maybe possibly.

But then, an even greater force emerged: The UN.

Actually, Judy Blume lands on the list pretty consistently, just further down. Her books aren't quite as popular as Twilight with teens nowadays.

Actually, the screenplay wasn't adapted from Spark's book. He heard that Miley Cyrus wanted to act in a Nicholas Sparks movie, so he wrote the screenplay specifically for her, then wrote the book, then released the book before the movie so that the movie could claim to be based on a Nicholas Sparks novel. In fact,

@ Lemur: