soggy cereal

Argh. unintentional*

I don't know…the plot seems similar to Extract's, but dramatic instead of comedic…except for where there's unintential comedy. My husband and I saw the trailer before a movie, and when it got to the scene where Julianne Moore found out that Seyfried went down on her husband and she said, "I didn't tell you to do

As much as I would love the return of Bad Chuck, I don't know if we'll really get to see him…if Elizabeth weren't Chuck's mom, then why would the other half of her locket contain a picture of her holding Baby Chuck?

I have difficulties spelling things the way they should be pronounced, but I believe it's gah-NOSH. It's French. It's usually made my pouring heated heavy cream over chocolate, and it is delicous. It is what SHOULD be inside molten chocolate cakes, not that Hershey's syrup crap like at Chili's and Applebees.

By the way, I mean socialism as an economic system, not National Socialism as a branch of facism. Because I do have problems with Nazism.

I don't really think God ascribes to any economic or political system, but I personally don't have any problems with socialism.

Hi Boi Gringo,

That, or the people who wrote the Bible were narcissists who attributed everything to God because He really has nothing better to do.

Zis guy,

Emperor Jim,

And I mean for live-action short, not animated short.

Since we're talking about shorts, I am really disappointed that "Short Term 12" didn't get nominated. I really thought it would, considering that it won at Sundance.

I'd much rather see a sarc marc at the end of a sentence instead of those stupid winking emoticons people use in e-mails when they want to make sure that their sarcasm isn't misinterpreted as vitriol. Emoticons are gay ;)

As someone who took years of tap lessons, I think I am qualified to say that Abed was not a good tap dancer.

I don't see why abstinence is such a terrible thing, especially when we're talking about teenagers.

Which trailer? Because I've seen two different versions - one makes it look like a fast-paced thriller, and the other makes it look like a schmaltzy, heartwarming movie, trying to make it look as similar to The Blind Side as humanly possible.

Engaged, actually. I learn a lot from reading The Hater.

I saw the title somewhere else yesterday, and really seriously thought that the movie was about a man who gets a heart transplant from a schizophrenic man. I'm not sure how I got to be so convinced that this was actually the plot of the movie, but after reading the review, I'm a little let down.

Glee won't be coming back until AI is over. Furthermore, Glee is moving to Tuesdays, from what I've read over in the Glee comment boards.

I think people voted for Ashleigh because she has been consistently great - after all, she has never been in the bottom. Mollee, on the other hand, got off to a good start, but then danced a terrible salsa, and took a couple of weeks to recover. She's been great since being separated from Nathan, but I do think