soggy cereal

I don't know if it's a "WOMEN" thing, as my friends and I are women, and during the shot of him running down the hall, we were screaming, "Don't do it!" I guess we're in the minority in that we did not want a Schue/Emma pairing. I don't know, I guess part of it is that the moment didn't seem like it had been earned

No one says "mi hija". It's "mija".

Chubby Chasee -

Didn't Quinn say in an earlier episode that she only had sex with Puck because he got her drunk on wine coolers and because he preyed off her low self-esteem? I think that despite the fact that she obviously likes Puck, she's still a little angry at him for taking her much-cherished virginity. Not to mention that

What's funny is that everything i+1 said is true. Except I don't know about the aftershave - I'm pretty sure it's energy drinks.

The McDonalds in Milan, Italy looks like a fancy restaurant.. From what I could tell, they had actual tablecloths and glassware. The people going in were all dressed up. Granted, it's been a couple years since I've been there, so my recollections may be a bit fuzzy, but I do remember being really confused as to why

I know that Brittany is a minor, one-dimensional character, but I love her so, so much.

Friedman! I didn't recognize him at all! I am now going to Hulu to rewatch the episode.

Yeah, I saw that, too. I found it interesting that the reviewer thought that it was too "after schoool special", especially considering the kids faced no consequences for selling pot-laced cupcakes. Also, I was surprised that he found the Artie storyline so inconsequential, especially considering that most people

You are not the only one. I think I can probably relate to Rachel best out of all the characters, as I was also overly ambitious in high school, and as such, had no friends.

Jonnieboy: I agree about Quinn. Even though she was being really mean, I think that it comes from her being afraid and being forced to grow up more quickly than she is probably capable of doing. Furthermore, she's afraid of what will happen when a) her parents find out she's pregant and b) people find out that Puck

I agree that it was random, but I did find it believable. Or maybe I was just glad that now that the truth is out, T-T-T-Tina's "over-the-top" stammering will stop.

Um, Finn cheated on his pregnant girlfriend (twice, but at least he didn't know she was pregnant the first time), Will is having an emotional affair with the guidance counselor, Artie is an idiot* and dismissed Tina's confession, when it was pretty obvious that she liked him even without her stutter "evening the

It's definitely $12 here in California. I'm sure it's cheaper elsewhere, though. I think it's $8 in my hometown.

Oh my goodness. Egg salad, avocado, pickles, onion rolls…all bad, bad bad. Terrible. Gross. That sounds like the worst sandwich ever.

Hunter - I had the same question last night. I couldn't figure out why it would be controversial, then got frustrated when none of the judges explained.

I'm fairly certain that Stacy512 is employing a schtick. I've seen several comments of hers (that is, if she really is female) that makes me think that she's purposefully writing like a middle-schooler/valley girl. Besides typing "GAAWWD" instead of "God", I have also seen her use "cuz" instead of "'cause" or

I read the whole chapter, and I still find it offensive. There's a link to it in the article (click on "excerpt of 'Superfreakonomics'").

I, too, could see the failure coming. I've been waiting for this review all day, in hopes that the 'F' would be accompanied by hilarious and poetic vitriol. Oh, well.

I think you're confusing Glee with Hell's Kitchen.