soggy cereal

I can't start my own thread, I'm piggybacking on this one, since there's no discernable topic.

Wow…I didn't get around to manipulating other human beings until junior year…and we never got to torture lab animals. We did, however, dissect goat brains. Gross.

Agreed on Artie - I really enjoyed hearing him sing.

I also remember that episode very well, and I'm happy that the Glee kids didn't have Jessie Spano-like drug-induced breakdowns. I think Glee kind of stopped just short of the border of after-school-special territory in a way, since it didn't show any personal consequences that came from drug use. All that happened

I'm actually very sympathetic to Terri. It seems like she's still stuck in a high school way of thinking (what with her after school job-esque gig at Linen N' Things), and let's face it, high school is a time when girls scheme and plot (like, "maybe if I don't return the pen he lent me, he'll have to approach me and

I am also looking forward to next week's episode. Georgina = awesome.

Yeah, I don't understand how Dan can overlook the whole Georgina being batshit crazy thing…I mean, sure, people can change. People can become nicer. People can become meaner. But people who are batshit crazy, no matter how nice or mean they are, will always be batshit crazy.

I'd agree with you, but it's the consensual part that gets to me. I would think that she would get more sympathy if she just said her dad raped her, rather than saying that she had a decade-long, consensual, incestual relationship with her father.

I probably should have structured my sentence better. When I say "abortions or removal of clothing", I didn't mean abortions of clothing. I meant abortions of babies or removal of clothing.

Also, I'm guessing that there won't be any abortions or removal of clothing for skeevy cameramen.

I also would like an F. The trailer for the movie makes it look hopelessly unfunny and unentertaining.

I don't think that Finn is necessarily a senior - if he's trying to get a football scholarship, I'm sure he knows it will take more than one season for his team to go from being the worst in the state to the best. Also, the "Rachel getting the lead in a play" storyline hasn't been dropped - the episode ended with her

Ate off all of her pubes.

Because it reinforces the idea that women can change men.

Pete Hammer -

Love is mildly pleasant.

Actually, I didn't. My husband had to help me turn it on. I didn't want to break a nail pushing the 'on' button.

I agree, though sometimes the visual comfort food gives me indigestion. I like these types of movies when they're good.

I'm pretty sure it was sarcasm.

I can see how you got them mixed up. After all, Rehab goes, "No no no" and Mercy goes "yeah, yeah, yeah". I actually thought it was Rehab again for a moment, as well.