soggy cereal

Agreed. Though I missed the first 3/4 of the episode because I HAD to stop by Carls Jr. on the way home to get some french fries. Glad to hear I didn't miss too much, but I'm still looking forward to catching up when CW posts the episode online.

But that story is nothing compared to the way that Tajari Henson's crackhead sister died. She was just watching her television late at night while her children were sleeping, when the phone rang. The voice on the other end asked her, "Have you checked on the children?" She called the police to report the

I was going to star in my elementary school's production of Hair…but then my parents died.

Ugh. The first guy is a douche. I don't care about the other three - he gets all my hate.

Hey! Don't be hatin' on Methodists. They're pretty legit.

I was going to watch the season premiere of The Beautiful Life: TBL…but then my parents died.

I'm excited, even if it does end up sucking pretty hard. Last season was insane, and crazily bopped from improbable plotline to improbable plotline - I would've loved to read someone's take on it. Especially someone more discerning than TWOP's reviewer, who consistently gave every episode an A.

It's like the good advice that you just didn't take.

Pull quote:

I really can't think of anyone Asian to get rid of. Jackie Chan? Lucy Liu? I happen to like them both…even though Jackie Chan tends to make pretty crappy movies. Why would you want to get rid of Asians anyways? We're already under-represented.

Ugh. Whoever came up with the slogan "Have a happy period!" should be slapped upside his head. And I said "his", because there is no way a woman came up with that.

I theorize that the second girl was not someone who makes pilgrimages to Forks, but is the "real life Alice" referred to in the interview.

@ Dr. Venkman

Blasphemy! McDonald french fries are the best! There's a Burger King one block away from my apartment, Jack in the Box two blocks away, Carls Jr. three blocks away, Wendys four blocks away, yet when I want french fries, I drive 12 blocks away to McDonalds for my fix.

Yeah…about Lilo and Stitch…it's set in my hometown, and while you can definitely tell it's our hometown, they have cute little fruitstands where we have dilapidated art galleries run by hippies (the female ones, incidently, have bushes under their armpits). Also, the movie version of Kauai is a lot more green and

The overpopulation comment was actually made by the person who posted the video - and he looks disturbingly similar to my father-in-law. And after watching Jesus Camp, I'm thinking he heard that either on Fox News or at his insanely fundamental right-wing church.

If they feel the necessity to make a song slamming the people who send them hate letters (called What About the Issues), I would think it's a real band.

The Preacher's Wife was amazing. My favorite part was when Whitney Housten sang.

Why does this chinese landowner sound like a southern hillbilly?

Hey! What happened to Failbot's First/Fail? It was all sorts of awesome. Oh, well.