soggy cereal

I think the reason they had a "fat" bachelor is because if the bachelor were skinny, people would say that only fit, underwear-model-look-a-like bachelors are worth competing over. If it were the other way around, then they would lose the whole "all the contestants are a REAL size!" gimmick. It's a lose-lose-lose

I don't really see the mochi, but I'm definitely with you on the tofu.

You know, I really liked Caitlin and Jason's performance - I thought it was well danced and they really got into their characters. I just think that everyone got distracted by the weird premise and Caitlin's fugly costume.

I think I remember hearing that Wednesday night shows are actually taped on Mondays, so in theory they would have a couple of days to learn/rehearse it.

No, it's a different Jessica. Hok was season 3. She was the redhead who was Will's (Debbie's protege) partner last year. She did drag Will down quite a bit, but she seemed to be improving before she fractured her ribs.

"Goop" is just what they call it in Britain - just like they would call an elevator an "up-box"!

You came in a close second, as well.

Ick. I have a roommate who's "funemployed". After getting laid off, she went on a three week trek across Eastern Europe. She came back and bummed around the apartment for a while, leaving only to visit friends who work in food service so that she could get free food. Then she left for a two week trip to visit

Actually, technically speaking, that "50% of people are below average" stat is incorrect, as most people fall within the "average" range. I'm trying to remember my statistics class, but I think someone would have to be in the bottem 32% to be considered "below average"? Maybe?

The siblings
Man, were they awkward…Crunchy in Milk was covering his eyes the whole time because of the incestuousness of their routine. It was as if they just watched routines on the show and thought, "Maybe if I just emote enough, they'll like me!", because they were really just tragically flopping around up there.

Whoa - How did I end up at this week-old CNN comment board?

Whoops, I meant Ann. Wrong show!

I thought that he passed up the hookup to go back to Karen, not Leslie.

What?! No Chang?! What's even the point of reading these things anymore?

I actually saw him on an episode of Scrubs once as a nerdy cafeteria worker. I didn't even know it was him until he burst into song. I was convinced of his acting skills.


Well, there *are* on top of a train, not inside a rat-infested tunnel…*shudders*…that scene still gives me the heeby-jeebies.

I have seen that awful music video, and everytime we see it, my fiance and I wonder:

HIFF? What's that?

In one of my most bizarre dreams (when I was in high school), I overheard my dad and uncle plotting to kill me. I was inside the house, and they were right outside the front door, so I decided to sneak out of the house through the back door, which is in the laundry room. When I entered, Britney Spears was sitting