soggy cereal

To my understanding, pork rinds are not of Southern derivation, but Filipino (hence the "Chicharrones" on the bag). I grew up in Hawaii, and whenever we went to a birthday party, wedding, graduation party, or other "fun" event, there would always be, without fail, fresh chicharrones. My mom even made them as a side

Flat Earth Chips must have been the brainchild of Sherri Shepard.

I knew buying a beeper was a good investment - everyone knows that technology is cyclical!

PW's is good at acting like one because he has so many in his apartment.

OTP: I am, indeed, closer to Las Vegas, but mayo-infused chili sounds disgusting. Also, we have 3 L&Ls here in San Diego, which, ironically enough, opened before the first L&L opened on Kauai. I go there quite often…I love me my Kalua pork.

Boy's Day is May 5 - same as Cinco de Mayo.

You're the first in this thread to burn in a fire of canceraids.

My grandma sent me a card and $20 for Girl's Day this week.

"Licky boom boom down" means exactly what you think it means.

"When a girl has a heart of stone, how do you melt it? Just add Ice."

My fiance thinks anime is dumb (as well as anime fans), and as much as I want to hide my true self from him until we're married and he can't escape, I do admit that I enjoy Miyazaki movies. I have also watched Fruits Basket and Ouran High School Something or Other with my sister and roommate, and while the shows were

If its production involved a classy whore's vag, then it must have been imported, seeing as there are no classy whores in Hawaii.

Um, are you forgetting about the genius that is Black Cop/White Cop?

Prison Wine's Apartment: Where the rich Segway into eternal slumber (but not before a little S&M)!

When I was traveling through Europe, one of my friends convinced me to go on a Segway tour of Barcelona with her. It was actually a lot of fun (and you travel quite a bit faster on Segways than you can while walking). I had no idea what Segways were before I went on the tour, but I was a little sad when my friends

Nice try, though.

Apparently, it's the fourth.

I agree that this is awesome. I've been wanting to get into the Dead for a while now, but had no idea where to start. I listened to little snippets of American Beauty, but was somewhat underwhelmed. I'll definitely be checking out Europe '72.

I believe the Julia Roberts abused wife movie is called "Sleeping with the Enemy". My mom loves that movie. That, and Lifetime movies…which are all infinitely shittier than Prince of Thieves. Fact: my best friend proclaimed that Prince of Thieves is the best movie ever. I think everyone I know has really bad taste